Not My Daughter ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
I know I'm not her mother Kelly reminds me of that everyday ! Not verbally but visually ! She looks just like John and nothing of me in there ! She's not my daughter I know that I don't need to be reminded of that by her now and I don't even know why it hurt me to hear her say that I already knew it she was just stating the obvious ! I don't like it when John sees me cry especially about his daughter !

Then there's a knock on the door !

Nikki: It's busy !
John: Nicole its me !
Nikki: What is it ?
John: Please open it up !
Nikki: No John I'm fine I swear !
John: Nicole I know you and I know that your not done please open the door !
Nikki: No !
John: Nicole if you don't open I'm knocking the door down and you know I will !!

Nikki thought about it and she knew he had point she remembered the night they got into a huge fight because Nikki saw John dancing with another girl at a party and she got so jealous she left the party and locked her self in her dressing room and when he got home she wouldn't open the door he counted to 3 and then knocked the door down ! That night also brought Nikki a smile to her face because she also remembered that, that night was the best sex they've had in a while I mean sex is always good for her with them but that night it seemed to her that he was making a point like he was letting her know that she was his and no one else could take her away from him and same to no one could take him away from her !

Her train of thought was disturbed when John banged on the door !

John: I'm counting to 3 ! 1.....2....

The door then flew open !

John: I knew you would open !
Nikki: I was afraid !
John: Of me ?
Nikki: No I love it when you're aggressive !
John: Then ?
Nikki: This is my favorite restaurant in all of San Diego ! I don't want to get banned from here just because you knocked down a door !

He steps inside and closes the door !

Nikki: I opened now what

John didn't say anything he just hugged her and kissed her and Nikki began to cry a little more !

John: Don't cry baby !
Nikki: It just hurts ! I know I'm not her mother I don't need to be reminded verbally when I see it everyday !
John: I don't know what I could do to make this better !
Nikki: There's nothing just I hope that with time she'll learn to love me or at least tolerate me !
John: Nikki I.....
Nikki: No John just please go back out there and I'll be right there I'm going to fix my make up !
John: Okay I love you !
Nikki: I love you too !

He walks out and finds Ashley sitting on the table playing with her phone !

Ashley: Where's Nicole ?
John: In the bathroom Ashley what you said was not nice !
Ashley: I wanted to call my mom and she said I couldn't !
John: She never said you couldn't all she said was wait until after dinner because your food will get cold !
Ashley: But I just.....
John: But nothing you could have said I'm sorry but I want to call her now and asked me for permission ! Not disrespect her and run off !
Ashley: Okay I'm sorry daddy !
John: I'm not the one you should be apologizing to and I'm not going to ask you to do it either it should come from within not because I asked it of you !
Ashley: I'm not apologizing ! Yes what I said was rude but I didn't mean it in a rude way ! And I was just telling her the truth !
John: Enough !

Nikki walks back to the table !

John: You want to finish eating or want to go home ?
Nikki: Um if it's okay with you I'll go home I kind of lost my appetite ! I think they didn't cook my steak good it's making my stomach hurt !
John: Is it that or is here a baby in there ?
Nikki: Haha no it's the food trust me !
John: How are you sure ?
Nikki: Let's just say my good friend Mother Nature had paid a visit !
John: Sucks !
Nikki: I know !
John: Come on Ashely lets go home !
Ashley: Okay !

On the car ride !

Nikki: Oh can we stop at the pharmacy ? I need Advil
John: Okay I'll go in and get it !
Nikki: No it's okay I'll go in !
John: At least let me go with you !
Nikki: Fine !

In the store !

Nikki: Hey why don't we just go to Boston on Friday ?
John: What about your dress shopping ?
Nikki: I can look there ! Besides I'm going to feel bloated anyways so I rather wait a while !
John: Okay I'll tell Kelly we leave Friday !! And we should bring Randy and Brie too !
Nikki: Yes please !!
John: Okay !!

That Friday !!

Kelly: Wow Nicole what do you have in they bag ?
Nikki: Oh just a few presents we've missed a couple birthdays and I want to make up for it I mean we send cards but it's not the same !
Kelly: Oh that's nice !!

They get on the plane and Nikki is having a hard time getting comfy in her chair !

John: What's wrong ?
Nikki: I don't feel comfortable in this seat !
John: Come here

He said as he pulls her into his lap !

John: Better ?
Nikki: Yes thank you !!

She falls asleep on his lap !

Kelly's Pov
That should be me you little tramp but thanks to this kid you'll be mine ! Oh I haven't told you this but she isn't my daughter she's Johns only how well you'll figure it out later but thanks to this brat I'll have John back in no time !!

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