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Johns Pov
I can't believe this she really left ! She's really gone ! This is not what I wanted this not what I planned and I just don't understand how could my life go from happy to horrible in just 7 months of having my daughter with me ! She's the one to blame yet I don't blame her ! I blame Kelly this is all her fault ! She should have never come back ! She should have kept this a secret for the rest of her life now I don't have Nikki ! What am I going to do I can't live without her !

A week later at the arena !

Nikki's Pov
I avoid everyone except Dean and Roman and I guess Seth I mean he doesn't really hang out with us but when he does its fine ! I don't really mind him ! I was on my way to the divas locker room when I saw John, Ashely, and Kelly at a table eating what I thought looked like cake I sighed because in a way I knew that should be me !

John: So how do I get her back ?
Kelly: Umm stand outside the locker room until she talks to you !
John: She doesn't have a match today she might not go in or come out !
Kelly: I am the number one contender I can use it to get a match tonight so for sure she has to come out !
John: Okay thanks Kelly !

He leaves and goes to stand outside !

Brie: What are you doing John ?
John: I need to no I have to talk to Nikki can you tell her to come out
Brie: I'll tell her I wont promise you she going to come out !
John: Okay ! Tell her I won't leave until she comes out !

She walks in and sees Nikki doing her make up !

Brie: Johns outside he said he wants to talk to you !
Nikki: Tell him to go jump in a hole !
Brie: I'm not going to do that !
Nikki: Then I'm not coming out !
Brie: He said he wouldn't leave until you went out !
Nikki: Then he better sit !

Brie laughed and walked away

30 minutes later ! Roman comes to knock on the door ! Layla goes to open the door !

Layla: Yes ?
Roman: Is Nikki here ?
Layla: Yeah one sec !

She then tunes to scream over her head !

Layla: Nikki Roman is looking for you !

She runs to the door and Layla leaves she sees the John is still waiting !

Nikki: Hey what's up ?
Roman: Here !

He hands her some pictures !

Nikki: Omg is this the baby ?
Roman: Yeah she got it done last week but we just got them back !
Nikki: Omg how precious
Roman: Thank you Sarah said these are for you too keep !
Nikki: Aww yay ! Thank you so much !
Roman: No problem oh and Dean said to meet him in catering so ??
Nikki: Let me put these away and walk me ?
Roman: Sure !
Nikki: Okay give me a second !

Roman nods his head as she closes the door

John: Who's baby is that ?
Roman: Mine and my fiancé !
John: Oh I didn't even know you had a girlfriend !

Nikki then opened the door and stepped outside ! And stood next to Roman !

Nikki: That day that you saw me kissing Romans cheeks was because I was so happy his fiancé had just asked me to be their child's god mother that's why I was kissing Roman ! Not that I owe you any explanations ! Let's go !

Roman waves to John and they leave !

Johns Pov
All I have to say is that I feel so stupid !

In catering !

Nikki: Do you think I would be a chicken if I didn't participate in the match tonight I mean I feel like I'm going to kill Kelly !
Dean: I won't but other people might ! Since everyone already knows what happened !
Nikki: Ugh I'm not in the mood I should have just called in sick !
Dean: Haha come on you'll do great !
Nikki: Oh I know that I'm just saying I don't want to do it haha !
Dean: Haha do you need me to walk you back to the locker room then to gorilla ?
Nikki: Yes please !

They walk back and find John still there Nikki just rolls her eyes ! And turns to Dean !

Nikki: My match is before the main event !
Dean: Okay I'll be back then !
Nikki: Thank you !
Dean: No problem

She hugs him and walks in !

John: I screws up !
Dean: Big time ! Bye Cena !!

He walks away and John stays

Before Nikki's match ! Dean goes to get Nikki he sees that John is still standing there !

Dean: She's not going to talk you you !
John: I know ! But I am the one that says never give up and I guess that's what I have to do !
Dean: Good Luck ! Nikki's pretty stubborn I told her not to do it !
John: Were both pretty stubborn !
Dean: I see that haha

He knocks on the door and Nikki opens and signals for him to wait a second ! Because she's on the phone !

Nikki: I understand Nanna but you have to understand me and my reasons okay ?
Nanna: Yes Nicole but your being silly !
Nikki: Nanna I have to go I have a match I'll call you later !
Nanna: Bye sweetie !

She hangs up !

Nikki: Sorry Nanna doesn't want me to buy the house next to hers !
Dean: Why ?
Nikki: She says she knows I would miss San Diego too much and she had a point but I have my reasons for wanting to live next to her !
Dean: You want to be close to her !
Nikki: Yes come on ! Let's get this over with and John please leave I'm not going to talk to you besides someone needs to look after your daughter since her mother is in a match !

She said as she walked away and Dean followed !

Johns Pov
I'm so stupid ! How could I just let her walk away I have to fix this I have to find a way to make this right !

Durning the match !

Nikki's Pov
Everything was going good I was in control of the match until she kicked my stomach I don't know why but there was this sharp pain I couldn't handle it ! I put her in the rack and finished the match than ran backstage where Dean was waiting for me !

Dean: Are you okay ?
Nikki: No let me change and take me to the ER ?
Dean: Yeah go I'll bring my car around !
Nikki: Thanks !!

They go their separate ways and then Dean rushed her to the ER !!

After an hour ! The doctor comes out !

Dean: Doc is she okay ?
Doctor: Fortunately yes !
Dean: What's wrong what does she have ?
Doctor: She's pregnant.........

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