Now What ?

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Still in the arena !

Brie: Ashely where are you

She shouted out running down the hall way !

Ashley: I'm right here !

Brie: Oh thank god I thought we lost you !

Ashley: No but the babies are going to be born and daddy told me if that ever happened to come in here and get this !

She said handing her a 3 small boxes !

Brie: What is this ?

Ashley: Its a present for my baby brothers and one is for mommy !

Brie: Oh okay come on we have to get to the hospital do you have your phone ?

Ashley: Yeah !

Brie: Call Grandma Carol and Sir John and tell them to meet us there too !

Ashley: Okay !

??? Pov

So the twin monsters are going to be born today or well tomorrow ! Perfect time to make my move ! I just have to follow them to the hospital !

At the hospital !

John: How you feeling ?

Nikki: The pain comes and goes !

John: Do you need anything ?

Nikki: Just some ice chips please !

John: Okay I'll be right back !

Nikki: Okay baby !

He leaves and Nikki starts to have a strong contraction !

Nikki's Pov !

Oh dear god ! Please Jake help me get through this ! It hurts so much ! If you can't numb the pain at least make sure my babies are born healthy and strong and that they look just like John ! Oh how I wish you were here with me but you have surely blessed thoughts and advice about this time just please help me get through this ! I love you and soon after I give birth I will do what I promised you I would do !

Then Brie comes in !

Brie: Hey how you feeling ?

Nikki: Tired and in pain over all good !

Brie: Where's John ?

Nikki: Getting me ice chips !

Brie: Okay I'm going to send Carol in

Nikki: Okay !

She goes outside and send in Carol ! While outside !

Ashley: Here daddy !

John: Oh thanks princess come on do you want to see mommy ?

Ashly: Okay !

They walk in and find Nikki sleeping !

John: Shh we will let her sleep but you can stay with grandma outside !

Ashley: Okay daddy !

She walks out and after several more hours of waiting the twins finally arrive !

Nikki: Oh my babies !

She said as she cried and hugged them !

John: So who will be named what !

Nikki: Here take him !

She said handing him one of the babies !

Nikki: Well this one looks like a Mason so the on I'm carrying will be Mason John Jr. Cena ! And the one you have will be Carter Jake Jr. Cena !

John: Alright hi there little Carter I'm going to ask the nurse to come and print the names on their hospital tags so we don't confuse them !

Nikki: Okay just put Carter on my right and I'll hold Mason !

John: Okay !

He puts him down the goes finds the nurse and comes back with the nurse and his family !

Nurse: Okay so the one in the crib is ? And I'll need the full name so I can put it on the records !

John: That's Carter Jake Jr. Cena !

Nurse okay and this one ?

Nikki: This is Mason John Jr. Cena !

Nurse: Adorable names !

John: Thank you !

Nurse congratulations !

She shake Johns hand then heads out !

Nikki: Oh my little baby boys !!

She said as she hugged them both !

Brie: Don't smother them !

Nikki: Hey my babies !!

Randy: Fine let me hold Mason !

Nikki: John can you hand him Mason !!

John: Yeah !

Nikki: Where's Ashley ?

Brie: She wanted a snack !

Randy: So I gave her a dollar to go to the snack machine ! So she should be back soon !

At the machine !

???: Hi Ashley !

Ashley: Hi !

???: John sent me to come get you !

Ashley: Why ?

???: I was seeing the babies and they moved your mommy to a new room so he asked me to take you there !

Ashley: Why ?

???: So you don't get lost !

Ashley: Okay !

???: But first I bought you and your brothers presents mind coming with me to why them from my car ? Yours is really big so I'm going to need help carrying it !

Ashley: Okay !

She said as she walked away and once she was in the car ??? Drove away.........

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