I'm Done ❤️

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Johns Pov
For the last 2 months things have been different Nikki won the divas championship ! And that's great but that's not what I'm referring to ! No what I mean is that Ashley swears she's seen Nikki kissing Roman ! And it's kind of hard not to believe considering the fact that whenever I have to take care of Ashley she leaves the house and goes to hang out with either Dean or Roman ! Yet I haven't seen her doing anything and I know Ashley hates Nikki but to make such a thing up ? Who would do that ?

Then Ashely comes running up to John

Ashley: Come quick !
John: What is it ?
Ashley: Just come here !

He follows her and he sees Nikki holding Romans hand and after a few minutes she grabs his face and starts kissing him all over just not on the lips but that still angers John !

Ashley: I told you daddy !

John didn't say anything he just walked away what John didn't notice was the person standing next to Roman !

With Nikki and Roman !

Nikki: Omg you guys are making me so happy ! I can't believe you're pregnant and getting married and now I'm going to be the god mother to your child ?
Sarah: Yes thank you Nicole but you can stop attacking us with kisses haha
Nikki: I'm just so happy for you !!
Roman: Thanks and I know we want you to be the god mother of our baby because you helped a lot when we took that break !
Nikki: Oh that was nothing I just made sure you didn't drink your way to a slow death !
Sarah: And I thank you for that as well !
Nikki: I'm so happy so when's the wedding ?
Roman: We were thinking after the baby ?
Sarah: Yes because I want to fit in my dress !
Nikki: Then I'll start planning the baby shower !!
Sarah: Oh don't worry my sister got that covered haha she wants to do it !
Nikki: Then I'll just focus on being the best god mother ! Again thank you so much ! And sorry for attacking you both with kisses I'm just so happy !
Roman: It's okay we have to go but we'll see you soon !
Nikki: Okay bye !!

They walk away and Nikki goes back to her locker room !

Brie: Did you see who won the Divas match tonight ?
Nikki: No who ?
Brie: Kelly !
Nikki: Ugh so I guess now she's the number one contender ?
Brie: Yup !
Nikki: Oh well I got this !
Brie: Do you want a ride back to the hotel ?
Nikki: I'm riding with John !
Brie: He left like 20 minutes ago with Kelly and Ashely !
Nikki: Are you freaking kidding me ?
Brie: No I saw them leave !
Nikki: Ugh yes well no I'm fine I'll ride back with Dean !
Brie: You sure ?
Nikki: Yes he's match is next so I have to wait anyways !
Brie: Oh okay well me and Randy are heading out bye !
Nikki: Bye !

She waits by gorilla after Deans match !

Nikki: Nice work !
Dean: Thanks what are you still doing here ?
Nikki: John left without me and I need a ride ?
Dean: Haha okay let me just get clean and I'll treat you to dinner !
Nikki: Oh see I get abandon then I get a ride and dinner ! How awesome is that !
Dean: Haha I'll meet you in the locker room in 20 minutes !
Nikki: Okay !

Nikki goes to the locker room and sees that she has 3 missed calls from John so she calls back !

John: Hello
Nikki: What !
John: Where are you ?
Nikki: At the arena where you abandoned me !
John: Well it looks like you were in good company !
Nikki: I was ! I was in a good mood thanks for ruining that for me !
John: I'll be right there for you !
Nikki: Don't even bother I have a ride bye !

She hangs up and wants to cry but fights back the tears !!

At dinner !

Dean: So Roman told you right ?
Nikki: Yes I was so happy because first they told me they are engaged I kissed both of their cheeks then that she was pregnant and I attacked her with more kisses then they said I was the god mother ! And I attacked Roman because it's so he's doing !!
Dean: Haha well I'm happy you agreed to dinner there's something I've been meaning to tell you !
Nikki: What is it ?
Dean: The other day I heard Ashley tell John that she saw you making out with Roman !

Nikki then started choking on her drink !

Nikki: What !!!
Dean: Yeah and I hadn't found the right place or time to tell you !
Nikki: Omg I hope he didn't believe it !
Dean: Well I'm sure he hasn't ! Or else he would have said something by now right ?
Nikki: Yeah ugh I hats that little brat and I've never said anything about a child !
Dean: I know what you mean haha
Nikki: Thanks for telling me !
Dean: Anytime now are you okay your still red haha
Nikki: Yeah I'm just mad now haha
Dean: Well you know what helps !
Nikki: Vodka ?
Dean: Haha god you read my mind !
Nikki: Get me a double please !
Dean: Haha I'll be right back

He gets up and brings back two long glasses of shots !

Nikki: Here's to my relationship going down the drain because of one 5 year old girl !
Dean: No don't say that ! More like here's to my future god son !
Nikki: You're right to Roman and Sarah !
Dean: To them !

The chug them down !

Nikki: Oh I swear that always makes me feel better !
Dean: Haha come on let's get you to the hotel !
Nikki: Okay !!

They pay and leave back to the hotel Nikki goes to the front desk to ask for a key !

Dean: Why don't you just knock ?
Nikki: I'm not in the mood to talk to him he left with Ashely and Kelly and left me like Umm no he's not touching me tonight !
Dean: Haha okay that a little more information that I wanted !
Nikki: Haha it's the Vodka talking !
Dean: Alright night !
Nikki: Night !!

She goes up and finds John sitting on the bed with a bottle in hand !

John: Where were you ?
Nikki: Oh now you worry about where your fiancé is ?
John: Nicole I......
Nikki: No don't even start with me you leave me and leave with your daughter and Kelly but you don't think twice about where I am or where I could be ? You know how hard it is to get a cab at almost mid night ?
John: I said I was going to go get you !
Nikki: Please by the looks of that bottle you can't even walk straight !
John: Are you cheating on me with Roman ?
Nikki: Omg ! Are you kidding me right now ?
John: Answer the question Nicole are you cheating on me with Roman !
Nikki: No but you know what John I'm done !
John: What ?
Nikki: I'm done I am so done ! I can't believe you would believe Ashley before trusting me ! I'm done !

John just got up and kissed her Nikki trying to hard to fight back but she couldn't ! She quickly gave in and they spends the night having passionate love !

The next day

Johns Pov
I wasn't drunk last night I knew exactly what happened and I guess last night was goodbye sex because this morning I woke up and she was gone but this time all of her stuff was gone to.............

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