Quit ! ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
I knew I shouldn't have answered but I did anyways !

Carol: Hi sweetheart !
Nikki: Hi !
Carol: I know you and John aren't together anymore but you know how we all just adore you and we'll Noelle is turning one ! At the end of the month !
Nikki: I know how exciting ! Coverly must be so excited !
Carol: Well all are and we'll she's busy right now but she wanted me to call you to invite you to her birthday party !
Nikki: Carol I don't think that's such...........
Carol: Nicole no matter what happens you are family and it would just mean the world to us if you could come I don't know if Johns even coming !
Nikki: Fine I'll go on one condition !
Carol: Anything !
Nikki: Can I bring my friend Dean ?
Carol: If it helps then yes !
Nikki: It does thank you I'll see you at the end of the month !
Carol: I can't wait !!
Nikki: Bye !

She hangs up and turns her attention back to a still shocked Roman !

Roman: Have you told John ?
Nikki: No !
Dean: She doesn't want to tell him !
Roman: Why ?
Nikki: It's complicated !
Roman: Ashley ?
Nikki: Yup !

With John and Ashley !

Ashley: Daddy let's play ?
John: Not tonight I'm not in the mood !
Ashely: Daddy what's wrong ?
John: Daddy is just sad and wants to sleep why don't you go with aunt Brie and uncle Randy !
Ashley: Okay !

She leaves the room and heads to Brie and Randy's room ! She knocks and they open !

Brie: Hey Ashley what brings you here ?
Ashley: Daddy said he was sad and didn't want to play so he said I should come here with you guys !
Brie: Okay ! Umm Randy why don't you go see John see if he's okay !
Randy: Yeah I should !

He runs to Johns room and when he doesn't open the door he takes out the key that he stole from John and finds him on the floor with a bottle in hand !

Randy: Dear god John pull it together !
John: What for I don't have Nicole anymore what's the point ?
Randy: Does your daughter mean nothing to you ?
John: Yeah but...
Randy: But nothing John I know right now it's hard and you feel like the world is against you but you have to pull through if not for you for that little girl that's now sad because you won't play with her !
John: What about me why should anyone get to be happy and I don't ?
Randy: No one ever said life was fair !
John: I know but...
Randy: No more but's now Ashley is going to spend the night with us but tomorrow you're done drinking and you're done crying over Nicole ! You're going to be the best father to the child because that's why Nicole left you ! So you could be a father not so you could sit in a hotel room drink and entire bottle of vodka and cry ! Now are you going to make her regret sacrificing her happiness for the sake of your daughter ? When you're not making her happy ?
John: No !
Randy: Then sober up and get some sleep tomorrow is a new day and you will be the best damn father if you can't do it for yourself then do it for Ashley ! Do it for Nicole !! Make her sacrifice worth it !
John: You're right !!

He gets up and goes to get some coffee then heads to bed !

3 weeks later !

Kelly: John I'm really sorry I should have stayed away I should have kept Ashley hidden for the rest of her life and told her that her father had died or something ! I never meant for this to happen !
John: It's okay Kelly I'm happy you brought her to me it just kills me she didn't want to accept Nicole I don't know if I could love again !
Kelly: John don't....
John: It's true Kelly after you left me I was destroyed and then Nikki came back into my life and I was happy again I don't think I could handle another heartache !
Kelly: I understand !

That day at the arena !

Roman: I still can't believe it !
Nikki: Do I have to show you an ultrasound already ?
Roman: It would be nice !
Dean: Haha you're getting one done when we're in Boston right ?
Nikki: Yeah because the party is that last day of the month the same day I leave for Canada !

She said looking down ! Trying not to cry !

Roman pulls her in for a hug !

Roman: Sarah and I are going to miss you !
Nikki: When you guys can you're going to visit me right ?
Dean: Of course besides we want to see your belly grow !!
Nikki: I'm going to miss you guys so much ! I can't believe I'm leaving without telling anyone ! I hope that when I do come back they don't hate me !
Dean: You'll always have us !
Roman: We will never hate you !
Nikki: I love you guys
Roman: We love you too !
Nikki: Roman when you tell Sarah tell her I will Email her pictures of my monthly ultrasounds !
Dean: And me ?
Nikki: Of course you too now Roman you go get ready for your match and Dean you come with me so we can see how I'm going to quit on Raw tonight !
Dean: Okay ! Now come on Roman you heard the lady !!
Roman: Haha okay come on !!

They go into Stephanie's office and they come up with a plan to use Kelly Kelly and Nattie !

It was a match Kelly Kelly and Nattie vs Nikki And Brie but before the match started Stephanie came out

Stephanie: Oh I know I'm not supposed to be out here but I wanted to see my favorite divas !

Nikki then grabs the mic !

Nikki: You mean me and Brie right ?
Stephanie: Haha no ! I mean Kelly Kelly and Nattie !
Nikki: Oh please ! They only way either of them took the title was because I put it on the line !
Stephanie: Their still better than you !
Nikki: Is that really what you think ?
Stephanie: Has been since you came into this company !
Nikki: Then you know what I won't cause you anymore problem ! I quit !

She drops the mic and walks up the ramp passing Stephanie leaving everyone in the entire arena shocked !

Backstage !

Dean: Omg you just quit !
Nikki: Haha I know let's go !
Dean: What why ?
Nikki: I don't feel like being attacked with questions !
Dean: I know that's why I grabbed your stuff ! Let's fine the nearest bathroom and change fast !
Nikki: And here comes John !
Dean: Here put these on and play music as loud as you can handle it and walk away I'll follow behind !
Nikki: Thanks Dean !

She takes the beats from him and starts to blast music as loud as she could handle and walked away John trying to grab her but she dodged ! And got away !

John: Hey what's up with her why did she just quit ?
Dean: My guess is as good as yours I have no idea she won't tell me ! She demanded my ear phones and walked away well she's going to change then we're leaving !
John: Leaving ?
Dean: Yeah we're headed to Boston ! For Noelles birthday party !
John: You're going with her ?
Dean: It's the only way she would go ! She told your mom she would only go if she could bring someone to make it easier !
John: Okay can you keep a secret ?
Dean: You'd be surprised !
John: Huh ?
Dean: Yes I can keep a secret !
John: I'm going to be there tomorrow and hopefully try to make Nikki jealous !
Dean: Jealous ?
John: Yeah I'm taking Kelly and Ashley with me maybe I can make her jealous and she will finally talk to me !
Dean: Good luck with that !
John: Thanks !!

Then you just hear Nikki screaming !

Nikki: Dean let's go please I don't want to be late for the flight !
Dean: Coming

He waves at John and they walk away Then Brie and Nattie come running backstage with Kelly not far behind !

Brie: Where's Nikki ?
John: With Dean !
Nattie: Where's Dean ?
John: On their way to the air port !
Brie: What where is she going ?
John: Boston !
Nattie: Why did she quit ?
John: No idea lets ask Stephanie !!

He said when he saw Stephanie walking backstage !

Nattie: Stephanie why did Nikki quit ?
Brie: Yeah and what does it mean for me ?
Stephanie: Brie you're fine your just going to be on your own for a while and I'm sorry but Nikki gave me her reasons for doing everything she's done these few weeks and I'm not allowed to say a word we signed a contracts (she lied there's no contract)

John: Contract ?
Stephanie: Confidential contract ! Smart girl she's keeping her business private !
Nattie: Is it that bad ?
Stephanie: Yes and no !
Brie: Huh ?
Stephanie: Exactly I can say anything now if she chooses to tell you then that's on her but you won't get a peep out of me !

She said as she walked away with a smile on her face !

John: What the hell is going on !
Brie: I have no idea ! But I'm worried.......

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