If I Die ❤️

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Johns Pov

Nikki: No ! I'm sorry but I'm right where I'm supposed to be.......

That kept replaying in my head as she hung up the phone ! She thinks her future is there with him and not me ! How could it have come to this I hate it I hate it so much ! I called her again !

Nikki: John please I'm kind of in the middle of something !
John: What are you making out with your boyfriend ?
Nikki: Yes !! And now he's waiting for me up stairs I'm turning off my phone now bye !

She hangs up and turns off her phone !

Johns Pov
She's sleeping with him already how could she do this to me ! How could she be moving on so fast !

Then there's a knock on the door ! He goes and opens it

Kelly: Hey John did Ashley leave her.......

Before she could finish the sentence he crashed his lips into hers and pulled her into the room and pushed her up against the wall !! Then after a few seconds he pulls away !

John: I'm sorry !
Kelly: No it's completely fine it kind of felt nice !
John: I can't do this to you I love Nicole and I miss her !
Kelly: If you want I'll be you're Nicole you can pretend I'm her !
John: Really you would do that ?
Kelly: Yes I'll admit I miss kissing you and having you touch me and kiss me all around !

John without thinking grabs her kissed her again then pushes her on the bed !

The next day !

Nikki: Okay so how are we doing this again ?
Jake: Simple ! We go to dinner and once we see all the camera I'll kiss you for a few seconds I'll bet you anything that within the hour were going to have magazines and web sites calling !
Nikki: Okay got it so can I take a nap before dinner ?
Jake: Yes go ahead just be ready by 8 ! And you're starting to show a bit so wear something that hides it !
Nikki: Got it !!

With John and Kelly !

Kelly: So does this mean we're together or just what happens here stays here ?
John: I'll let you know I still have something to figure out !
Kelly: Okay and like I said I'm fine with either or !
John: Thanks Umm you should go check on Ashley you left her alone last night !
Kelly: Yeah but she's fine I told her I was coming up here and I left her my phone just in case she needed me !
John: Okay good !

She leaves the room and is walking down the hall not noticing someone was listening to what she was saying !

Kelly: Oh how I love that little brat thanks to her Nikki and John broke up and now I can have John all to myself ! And she isn't even my kid haha now how do I make her misbehave again so John could send her away to boarding school and I can be alone with John more !! Oh well I'll figure something out !!

When she gets out of the elevator Dean comes out from the corner !

Dean: I knew it now to get proof so I can show Nicole and maybe this whole thing can blow over !!

He runs and knocks on someone's door !

Roman: Hey what's up ?
Dean: I need your help ! And how convenient that we have to be on the Australia tour next week !
Roman: What about it ?
Dean: There's something hidden ! And I want to know what it is and Australia is where I'll get my answer we just need one more persons help !
Roman: Who ?
Dean: Follow me !!

They walk to the elevator and land on the 7th floor ! Once they get to the door they knock !

Brie: Oh hey what are you guys doing here ?
Dean: Can I borrow Randy for a sec ?
Brie: Oh he's down at the gym !
Dean: Oh okay thanks !

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