Are You ?

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Still in the living room !

Nikki: What do you mean she wants you back ! She can't take you ! You're ours right John she can't take her from us !

She said with tears in her eyes !

John: I don't know baby it depends on the situation !
Nikki: What do you mean ?
John: Ashley it's late and you have had a rough couple of days go to bed and we will talk in the morning okay ?
Ashley: Okay daddy !

She hugs them and leaves !

Brie: Do you think the birth mother could take her from you guys I mean you are her father and Nicole is her legal guardian !
John: Yes but we have to know the situation he mother was in when Kelly took ashley from her !
Nikki: Like ? It's obvious Kelly paid her to have your baby that's it ! She got paid to have Ashley !
John: Yes but with everything's that happened we can't really trust Kelly now can we ?
Nikki: No but John ! They can't take her from us she's mine ! She's my daughter we have a family she can't just be taken from us !

She said as she began to cry !

John: Just calm down we will find this woman and see what she wants ! See what we can do ! And see if what Kelly told us was the truth or not !
Nikki: Okay but please promise me that you won't let anyone take her from us !
John: I can't promise but I will try !

Nikki nodded and they hugged !

The next day !

Nikki: Ashley do you remember the name of this woman ?
Ashely: Yeah she had it on speaker when they talked her name is Lorelei Smith !
Nikki: Good ! Now we're going go find her and see what happened that she wants you back because you told us she said she paid her to have you right ?
Ashley: Yes that's what she originally told me but when they were on the phone I couldn't really understand because the lady was crying but she said something about you took her without my permission !
Nikki: That's what I was afraid of ! Okay go with grandma and your brothers we will let you know what happens !
Ashley: Okay mommy just know that I love you not matter what !
Nikki: I love you too sweetie go on !

Later that day with the private investigator !

PI: We found all this information on her and it looks like she's been looking for Ashley for years now !
John: Years ?
PI: Yes but see the name here it read Penelope not Ashley so that's why she hasn't been able to find her ! And not knowing what you look like she has no way of even imagining what she looks like now !
John: We have to contact her !
Nikki: As much as it hurts me we do ! She has a right to know that her child is with her father ! And in good hands ! We can work something out !
John: I love you and everything will be okay !
Nikki: I just hope she's not some evil woman who all she wants is her child and she wants to just take her away from us !
John: I know baby ! I know !
Nikki: Please call her and give her this adores ! Or give her Johns number tell her she's welcomed to call or come let her know we have Ashley or Penelope !
PI: Yes Ma'am !
Nikki: You continue to work this out in going with my twins !
John: Okay baby if we red you we will call you !

She nods and leaves the room !

A few days later there's a knock on the door and Nikki goes and opens it !

Nikki: Hi may I help you ?
Lorelei: Yes I'm Lorelei Smith and I think you have my daughter !
Nikki: Oh.... Hi I'm Nicole Garcia ! Well Cena not legally yet but come in I'll get my husband !

Nikki's Pov
We told everyone me and John got married in Paris so I've been calling him my husband for weeks now we're planning on getting married real soon just as soon as we figure out this whole situation with Ashley and her real mother and well with what's going to happen !

Nikki: John !

She shouts and John appears carrying the twins !

John: Yeah babe ?
Nikki: Baby this is Lorelei !
John: Oh Umm.... Hi nice to meet you I'm....
Lorelei: You're John Cena my son is a huge fan of yours !
John: Oh well thank you !
Nikki: I'm going to go out the twins down for their nap and I'll tell Ashley her mom is here !
Lorelei: Ashley ?
John: Penelope see when she was brought to me that's the name I was told and the name she's grown up with ! But don't bring her down yet I think the 3 of us should talk before we bring her into this !
Nikki: Okay !
John: Come with me into my office !

She nods and they head over there after a few minutes Nicole returns and they sit and begin to talk !

John: So tell me what happened ?
Lorelei: Me and my husband were walking out of a fertility clinic in Australia heartbroken that the doctor had just told my husband he couldn't have kids because his sperm wasn't functional as it should that's when we ran into Kelly ! She asked is what was wrong and in a moment of sadness and weakness we told her and that's when she said hey if to don't mind I could give you my husbands sperm see I don't want kids and neither does he so if you want you can have some and see if you get pregnant ! At the moment it sounded perfect and she could see that we were a bit hesitant about it so she said you know what it's fine if you don't want to answer me right now just let me know and I could make it happen ! We thought about of for a few days and we wanted a baby so bad that we said yes to it ! I was so happy when I got pregnant that I didn't care who's baby it was all I knew and I cared was that we were getting a baby and we would love our child to death ! The day I gave birth Kelly was there ! Because my husband unfortunately was on a business trip ! She came early we didn't expect that to happen so I was happy that the women who helped me get pregnant was there to help and support me ! Hours passed and my Penelope was born ! I was so happy and tired so tired !
Nikki: I understand I not to long ago had twins !
Lorelei: Yes and you had two ! I only had one ! So I was passed out most of the day ! When I woke up there was a nurse and she told me what happened she took my baby ! She took her while I was sleeping ! That was the last we have heard of her ! We spent so much time and money trying to find her ! And we never could then it occurred to me that maybe she wasn't in Australia anymore ! That's when we expanded our search to the U.S. That's when I saw my done watching the WWE ! I saw her we got her information and called her but she never answered until a few weeks ago and she said that my child died ! While I was sleeping and she didn't want me to suffer that so she took her and buried her making the nurses think she had taken her then your private investigator called me and I rushed over here because I want to see her !
Nikki: I understand but then what ? Are you going to take her from us............

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