❝ This is your decision baby, just know that you won't be alone this time. ❞
Almost two years later and pretty boys still hold deeper secrets than one would think.
Sequel to: Effeminate
written!au | media!au | nsfw! [W...
JUNGKOOK finally got the lil one to sleep.. idk what's wrong but my baby's strong; hang on for me, jimin-ah
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| NAYEON wait what?? omg no :(( | NAYEON I talked to him a little bit ago and he seemed just fine 🥺 | JUNGKOOK yeah it was sudden.. I don't know what it is. he doesn't really seem sick, just worn down | NAYEON minie :((( you better help that boy out, guk. your birthdays in two days | JUNGKOOK I know, I know. I want him okay by then so we can spend the day together | JUNGKOOK if I have to spend it cooped up in our room watching movies that's fine but I know he wanted to actually do something | NAYEON look at you taking care of him. you're such a good boyfriend 🥺 im so proud of you | JUNGKOOK of course I would? thats my whole world right there | NAYEON do you know what he's feeling or anything? | JUNGKOOK said it's more of an internal fight? he hasn't been showing symptoms of being unwell, no fever or anything but his body just gives out earlier than it usually does | JUNGKOOK it's only eight and he's passed out, I fed him the soup and he said he felt more energized after that | JUNGKOOK I think he just needs more sleep probably, nothing major | NAYEON well that's good :(( poor bby.. tell jimin I love him 💓 | JUNGKOOK sure