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"hell yeah babe," Jungkook passive-aggressively motivated, repeating a series of encouragements each time jimin returned back to a standing position. "you squat the hell outta that bar."

jimin immediately rolled his eyes, unable to help his chuckle.

"is this necessary?" the blonde smiled fondly, turning his head around to glance at the boy directly behind him. "I know we promised to work out together but oh my god jungkook. im just doing leg stuff, you could do something else if you want."

the younger immediately shook his head, taking a step forward and resting his hands along his edges.

"im spotting you," he further clarified, knowing how to properly work out with someone. "I have to be behind you like this to make sure you don't get hurt."

jimin looked him in the eyes through the full length mirror before them, giving him a cocked brow.

"sounds like an excuse to see my ass," he pressed, receiving an immediate smirk from the exposed raven. "dont think I haven't noticed you looking."

"it's a two for one deal." the raven smugged. he rubbed at his skin and pressed a chaste kiss at his cheek before pulling away to openly eye him out of spite. "cant help myself."

jimin set the bar back down on its holder. he turned to face his boyfriend and grabbed his chin to tilt it upwards. "eyes up here, big guy."

"I know," jungkook grinned, a whole galaxy emitting from his eyes. he looked at his tiny boyfriend with the most fond anybody's ever seen, being nothing but truly invested in his beauty. "my favourite things to look at."

nobody could deny his rosy dusted cheeks, jungkook always had that effect on him.

"you're so cheesy." the blonde giggled, hooking his arms around the younger's shoulders and pressing their bodies together. "stop being a sweetheart."

in response, jungkook wrapped his arms around the blonde's still rather slim waist. he found himself lured in when his boyfriend started leaning in, pressing their lips together for a sweet kiss.

"you really are my biggest fan." jimin grinned ear to ear, pulling away a few moments later, cupping the latter's face with pride.

"always have been," the younger started, kissing his temple. "always will be."

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