bun 🐰💓JIMIN
I thought about what yeonie saidJIMIN
you know whatJIMIN
I think she might be rightJIMIN
you've helped me rebuild myself so much jungkookJIMIN
seeing him again made me feel scared but.. I can't let him regress my progress like thisJIMIN
I still love myself regardless of what he thinks of me now..JIMIN
it still hurts.. it always willJIMIN
but I get to choose whether or not I let that damage me stillJUNGKOOK
that's right babe, you say it 😍JUNGKOOK
im so unbelievably proud of you I can't even express itJUNGKOOK
my strong baby, look how beautiful you areJUNGKOOK
you deserve the worldJIMIN
thank you kook-ah 💓 I love youJIMIN
im just..JIMIN
I cant keep letting it hurt..JIMIN
I trust you with my life when you tell me these thingsJIMIN
now im thinking and..JIMIN
was yoongi-hyung right too?JIMIN
do I deserve justice?JUNGKOOK
without a fucking doubtJIMIN
would it be bad if.. idkJIMIN
if I wanted to see him and call him out for what he did to me?JIMIN
I was sad these past couple days.. still am..JIMIN
but seeing him again also angered meJIMIN
I panicked off instinctJIMIN
but now that im okay.. im madJIMIN
I wanna call him out on his shit, chew him out for treating me like thatJIMIN
I want him to know that no matter what he did to me, im still myself in the end againJIMIN
I cant wait to see the look on his face when he sees I don't look the same anymoreJIMIN
I want him to hear my wordsJIMIN
I hope he realizes he couldn't break me like he wanted toJIMIN
he's an assholeJIMIN
he needs to know he can't ruin me anymoreJIMIN
im not broken, im not weak or someone he wanted me to beJIMIN
im myself and I love that now.. im so happy to finally feel this way againJIMIN
he isn't gonna steal that from me this timeJIMIN
I cant let him go around thinking he ruined itJIMIN
he couldn't've kept ruining me, he just couldn'tJIMIN
not ever againJIMIN
not when I have youJUNGKOOK
jimin, I support this 100%JUNGKOOK
you deserve every ounce of revenge possibleJUNGKOOK
I want you to do this for yourselfJUNGKOOK
this is the best way to fully move onJUNGKOOK
even though you may wanna face your problems, I still promised you'd never be aloneJUNGKOOK
im going with youJUNGKOOK
he needs to see that someone loves youJUNGKOOK
not for what you looked likeJUNGKOOK
he needs to see you found someone who loves the real youJUNGKOOK
he needs to see he made the biggest mistake of his lifeJUNGKOOK
im gonna kiss the fuck out of you in front of him and show that piece of shit you're stronger than he thoughtJUNGKOOK
you're not his puppet, not anyone'sJUNGKOOK
you're only yourself and the love of my lifeJIMIN
yeah, please come with me..JIMIN
im really motivated now but seeing him twice might affect me againJUNGKOOK
ill sit off to the side and listenJUNGKOOK
ill join if you need me toJIMIN
we really doing this..?JUNGKOOK
we're not backing out now, this is your momentJIMIN
thank you kookie 💓JIMIN
you're such a good boyfriend 🥺JIMIN
I hope we'll get the chance again..JIMIN
it might've been a quick visit or somethingJIMIN
I just wanna prove myself to himJUNGKOOK
we'll make sure you get your point across, no worries

Emasculate | Jikook ✓
Fanfiction❝ This is your decision baby, just know that you won't be alone this time. ❞ Almost two years later and pretty boys still hold deeper secrets than one would think. Sequel to: Effeminate #completed ________________ written!au | media!au | nsfw! [W...