❝ This is your decision baby, just know that you won't be alone this time. ❞
Almost two years later and pretty boys still hold deeper secrets than one would think.
Sequel to: Effeminate
written!au | media!au | nsfw! [W...
CAMBABYX day 100: no picture today but finally myself again ☺️✨ many changes have happened to my body and im very proud of it this time. I wouldn't change a thing 🌹🌟 at least one thing stayed the same for my boy - JM 🐣 ___________________ 🔁 26.8K Retweets | ❤️ 119K Likes
=============== IMESSAGE bun 🐰💕
JIMIN hey kook-ah ☺️
JUNGKOOK hi baby
JUNGKOOK was wondering when you'd finally text me
JUNGKOOK saw your post
JIMIN yeah?
JUNGKOOK of course
JUNGKOOK no picture this time, booo
JUNGKOOK you know id like it regardless
JIMIN I know ☺️
JUNGKOOK anyways
JUNGKOOK whats up?
JIMIN not much
JIMIN just bored :((
JIMIN wish you were off today, I miss you
JUNGKOOK miss you too, babe
JIMIN you're so cute ;-;
JIMIN im watching netflix by myself and im lonely :(
JIMIN you're the best movie partner, this is torture 😥
JUNGKOOK we can watch movies when I get home
JUNGKOOK ill pick up some of mangshi's and we can have a cuddle night
JIMIN please 🥺
JIMIN I also started going back to the gym today
JUNGKOOK it's been a week, you feeling okay?
JUNGKOOK do anything that needed me to spot?
JIMIN no.. just some treadmill and the machines
JIMIN a little tho, yeah :( I took a bath and stuff
JIMIN just a little sore is all
JIMIN wanna go again with you tomorrow
JUNGKOOK okay baby, we'll go
JIMIN can you give me another massage when you get home please :(
JUNGKOOK only if you behave
JUNGKOOK good boys get massages
JIMIN im a good boy
JIMIN your good boy
JUNGKOOK you are
JIMIN see..
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JUNGKOOK jesus christ and you ruined it
JUNGKOOK why do you always do this
JUNGKOOK fuck physics lectures, im coming home now
JIMIN only to massage me
JUNGKOOK you'll have something pressing into you, alright
JIMIN works every time 😍 ___________________ 🔁 246 Retweets | ❤️ 2.3K Likes