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"hell yeah babe," Jungkook passive-aggressively cheered once again, standing below the tiny boy who was currently pulling his chin up to the high bar. "only three more, you can do it."

jimin giggled, holding his weight. he resisted the urge to hop down and hug his cute boyfriend.

"what're you so cute for?" the blonde adored, allowing his body to fall before slowly pulling it back up again. "you gotta stop, you're gonna make me fall."

the younger transitioned into the smuggest face he could muster, looking up to the tiny boy in utter fond.

"I already did. now it's only fair, considering you made me fall harder."

"stop~" the blonde cutely whined, stringing out the o. he dangled from the bar with a wide smile and deep blush.

"one more babe, c'mon." jungkook motivated, giving the blonde enough strength with the enthusiasm.

jimin quickly pulled his chin back up in victory, letting his arms dangle once again; he was about ready to let go before the latter halted him from the process.

jungkook wasted no time with stepping directly below the boy, guiding him to wrap his legs around his body as he held his body secure around his waist.

soon enough, jimin caught onto the gesture, letting his arms fall and now hugging the boy who koala embraced him.

jimin couldn't hold back his giggles as the younger repositioned his body, halting him higher into the arms that gripped his large upper-thighs. he leaned up to press multiple kisses all over his sweaty face.

"stop babe," the blonde half whined, half encouraged, running his hands through his fluffy raven hair in response to being carried back to the locker room. "im all sweaty and gross."

"you're many things park jimin," the raven defended, still refusing to put the beautiful blonde down. "but gross is not one of them."

jimin's heart absolutely bursted at his final words.

"you're the most genuine type of pretty there is."

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