[00:83] ⚠️

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jimin released the breath he was unaware of holding in; the two of them sat in patience, waiting for his specialist to walk in.

it wasn't very long ago when they finally arrived, that acknowledgement alone had the smaller blonde feeling one of two ways now that it was inevitable:

anxious and content.

jimin had no idea what the possible outcome of this could be. equally, he was relieved with knowing he's finally making an effort to end the pain. it's not something he could bare anymore.

"hello, mr. park." the woman smiled comfortingly, a dark clipboard in hand as she approached her well beloved couple. "it's been a while since ive last seen you."

"yeah," the blonde laughed awkwardly, scratching the nape of his neck with his free hand, the other now interlaced with his boyfriend's. "sorry about that."

"no worries," she assured, her smile even more relaxed as she gave the two of them a warm expression.

(not to be dramatic, but she'd honestly die for them at this point.)

jungkook and jimin were without a doubt her two favourite boys. their love story was to melt for. "what seems to be the problem?" she continued, gracefully.

jimin took a deep breath. he received an encouraging thumb rub from the younger boy looking up to him in fond.

his eyes screamed: you can do this. he knew he could.

"I came to talk about my hormones."

ah, yes.

that's exactly what she figured, at least after being notified about his hospital visit and the reason for it.

she just wasn't gonna pry, of course.

"of course," the woman announced, grabbing her chair and placing herself just a few feet before them. "I don't wanna pry, jimin. let me know where your limits on this are, ive noticed you've been experiencing misuse with them."

the blonde shamefully nodded, causing her to make further effort.

"why is that?"

the blonde slowly turned to the latter, looking for nothing but patience and encouragement from the boy. luckily for him, that's exactly what he got. it gave him all the drive to be honest.

"i've been feeling really insecure about myself ever since I was prescribed," he started off, earning an understanding nod from the two of them. "I tried convincing myself I loved the way I looked after using them but," then another pause, hesitant. "im really not..."

the dark haired woman made a quick note on her board, waiting for his continuation.

"I stopped taking my dose because I thought that taking less wouldn't hurt me but wouldn't lessen the effect they made on me, either." it certainly didn't surprise her why he'd think like that, other patients have done the same.

shes heard many cases of this happening, almost all of them followed up with his next explanatory words.

"then one day something reminded me of how insecure I was, or I guess how sore and different my body was starting to feel; my brain decided that taking a whole bunch would make up for what I missed."

"you're not the first to go through this, jimin." she soon supplied, making the boy feel less nervous upon that information. "I guarantee you won't be the last,

both of them shook their heads to her words.

"you were only doing what you thought was logical, don't blame yourself for your actions. you were in a dark place, that makes us do and think scary things."

she's exactly right.

jimin's never been more scared of himself and what he felt ever since the night he nearly took his own life on accident.

he felt so relieved to hear that again.

he didn't like feeling like he was crazy.. that's the absolute last thing he wanted to be.

"but that's not the right solution." she shook her head, disappointedly. she's upset to hear that the blonde went through this, though she understood. she really did. "tell me what you were trying to accomplish."

"I wanted my old body back." he affirmed, leaning into the side of his silently proud boyfriend wrapped around at his side. "still do."

she gave the boy one final bright smile, knowing this was exactly the challenge they'd be facing based off the situation.

"I have a solution for you then."

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