[00:57] ⚠️

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⚠️ || THIRD PERSON || ⚠️

when jimin's eyes first started fluttering open, there were many things he was unfamiliar with.

the change in atmosphere was definitely one of them.

the last thing he had any coherent memory of was tons of crying, yelling, and then hitting the hardwood floor. it wasn't much, but that's all his mind could process for the time being.

everything else was a blur.

for him to be in an empty clean room surrounded by nothing but the smell of medicine and hand sanitizer was foreign.

for his arms to be wrapped around each other and hooked up to tons of wires was foreign.

but you know what wasn't foreign?

the pair of soft lips pressing against his cheek.

jimin let out a soft sigh as jungkook quickly sat up and cupped his face, pressing long, loving kisses to his cheeks, tears now running from his eyes. he laid his forehead against his temple, taking his waking presence in with desperation.

"oh my god..." the younger trailed, voice as gentle and breathy as ever. "you're okay, thank god you're okay."

wait, why was jungkook here?

actually, why was he himself even here? what the hell was going on? he needed answers. nothing made sense yet, his mind was too aloof.

"jungkook," he started, raspy, grasping the younger boy's attention. "what happened?"

what he didn't expect was for that question to be such a difficult thing for the latter to answer. it was evident with the way his voice got shaky again, eyes still watery.

it kinda made him even more nervous to find out. why'd he look hurt? it couldnt be that bad, could it?

jungkook cleared his throat, pulling out of the boy's face and instead resting along the side of the bed, gently reaching out to brush loose strands from out of his thinned, sleepy eyes.

"you almost killed yourself, babe."

jimin's eyes immediately widened.

"I.. what?" he barely responded, way too shocked from hearing that answer. there's no way that was true. sure, he's definitely been in prolonged pain but he's never thought about suicide before.

despite that, jungkook softly nodded, confirming what he considered to be the worst news he's ever heard.

"you almost overdosed." the latter further explained, thumb caressing the smooth skin of the older's cheek. "I came home and found you downing bottle after bottle."

"oh my god.."

"I tried stopping you.. you just kept telling me you wanted to die." jungkook shivered at the horrible memory, voice nearly shattering. he wanted to avoid feeling that same pain ever again, a tear slowly trailed down his skin. "ive never cried so hard in my life. I was terrified, you'll never believe how much that hurt.. I thought I was gonna lose you right then and there."

"jungkook..." the blonde sighed in sympathy, leaning into his touch by instinct. "im so sorry..."

"I know, baby I know." jungkook leant up to nuzzle into his face again, pressing more soft kisses, holding his face with everything he had. "you're okay now, i've got you."

"are the others here?" jimin strived to alter the conversation. it definitely wasn't something the blonde wanted to think about for the time being.

jimin couldn't imagine he was the only one here. though it wouldn't surprise him if he was.

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