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"okay.." jimin sighed, running a hand through the younger's hair to soothe him. "convince me right now we'll be okay and im still yours."

with that, jungkook wiped away at the tears streaming down his cheeks. he leaned up to kiss at the boy like when he first woke up.

jimin couldn't resist giggling at the gesture. it made his heart warm, the way the younger pressed millions of little soft kisses all over face.

they hummed at the intimate action, seeming too've missed it. it's definitely been a bit since they've exchanged a proper kiss.

jimin let his body rest. he slowly leant back as jungkook applied very little pressure to him, now cupping his face and kissing the smaller boy with everything he had.

his cheeks rose red while tilting his head, the blonde found himself flustered when they finally pulled back a minute or two later.

if there was one thing jungkook knew how to do, it was certainly how to kiss him.

"that's not gonna work this time," the elder continued laughing.

"I know babe, im not done." the younger smoothed, brushing his own fluffy hair out of the way real quick.

his thumb ran against the latter's soft cheek, jungkook even used his free hand to play with the latter's fingers.

"we'll be more than okay, jimin-ah." he assured, capturing the blonde's undivided attention. "in fact, we'll be perfect. you know how I know that?"

jimin tilted his head, following the raven's trail of sight down to his hands.

"because look," he started, playing with the other's left hand. "what's on your finger right now?"

jimin's heart immediately began to race.

the promise ring you gave me.

he didn't say the words aloud. he was too busy staring in awe at the pretty ring decorating his hand with its silver lure. perhaps that was fine though, they both knew the words were known, despite being unsaid.

"exactly," the younger carried on, knowing exactly what jimin said to himself. "it's the symbol of my love."

jimin looked back into the eyes already glistening for him. he slowly reached out to sweep the loose hairs resting at the latter's warm forehead.

"i gave it to you," jungkook restarted, his smitten expression never halting as he enclosed himself up against the tiny boy and nuzzled into his cheek. "only you, and always only you."

jimin quickly heated, the radiance of a million stars surrounding his paled skin.

"kookie.." he trailed in fake embarrassment, both of them knew he absolutely loved this.

"I made a promise to you." jungkook interlaced their fingers, bringing the back of his hand up to press a small kiss to it. "I promised myself to you and I still promise myself to you."

jimin turned to curl into his opened arms, not even able to feel the soreness surrounding his hips and sides.

"each day I dedicate myself to loving you, helping you, and cherishing you." the younger laced him in, resting his cheek into the soft subtle mess of blonde. "each day I fully give myself to you until I can replace it with something better."

glancing up to him with dampening eyes, jimin couldn't even express how much love radiated between the two of them.

he's without a doubt never felt a love this strong or deep before.

he'd be a fool to let it go.

"But first I need you to love yourself the way I do you, okay?" the younger softly whispered, gently placing his hold at the latter's soft waist. "I also need you to let me help you get there."

jimin closed his eyes and eased into the boy's embrace, feeling himself fall into a trance of nothing but utter peace and tranquillity.

"don't make yourself go through this alone, jimin." the younger spoke, clearly. "you're not alone and you'll never be alone."

a small tear grazed down the blonde's face, sinking into the raven's skin.

"promise to try for us?"

the blonde slowly nodded, sniffing a bit as he shoved his face into the younger's chest. "I promise."

just then, a few moments of silence passed and jungkook pulled the tiny boy out of his body, holding his face again.

"I love you." he whispered, the doe and moon at perfect ease. "will you still be mine?"

"ill always be yours."

|| || ||

another hour passed and the sleeping pair woke up to the sound of their hospital door opening.

"awh," nayeon cooed as she stepped forth, feeling as if her whole heart jumped at the way the raven held the tiny boy. "we knew you'd be okay."

jimin smiled at the way jeongyeon slowly entered right after, a massive grin on her face as she interlaced her fingers with the smaller ravenette.

turns out he was right, they really were cute together after all.

seems he's misjudged her the entire time. he felt awful for it as he looked back on it now. poor jeongyeon was only after one thing with his boyfriend:

his sister.

"so this is what you meant by not a chance?" the blonde softly chuckled, turning to his boyfriend with his signature crescent smile.

you know, because her being gay would definitely make things difficult.

"no," jungkook shook his head. "there's just no chance in hell id leave the one who has my heart."

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