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"are you feeling any better baby?" jungkook mumbled from the boy's cheek, pressing endless kisses all over the warm skin. "you're getting kinda warm, want some water?"

jimin sighed, groaning from the soreness as he turned to face his boyfriend.

theres honestly many reasons why he felt this way right now.

one of them was the obvious. hes been mistreating his body for about two months now, of course it's gonna counteract with all the things it's been lacked.

another reason was his own nerves.

ever since he saw jeongyeon, jimin's had a constant unsettling feeling. he didn't wanna say it was anything against the girl, she was really nice to him the day they met but it'd be a lie if he said it wasn't.

he didn't know why he felt so insecure in her presence. it made him wanna puke knowing that jungkook was gonna be alone with her all throughout college now that they attended together.

he wants to trust the latter, and he does. but he has no idea who jeongyeon is or what her possible intentions could be.

jimin also didn't wanna think the worse, it didn't help his already pretty unfortunate condition, he just couldn't help it. he didn't wanna judge nayeon or jungkook's friend choice or anything.

he just couldn't help but feel there was something shady going on.

it killed that he didn't know what it was.

"no im okay, kookie." the blonde sighed, grimacing as his hips felt like they were pinching him while reaching out to cup the younger's face.

"are you sure?" the raven's eyes widened at the reaction, his own sense of pain coursing through his veins knowing the beautiful boy was hurting. "I wanna take you to the doctors, baby. you're still hurting, will you let me take you?"

jimin slowly shook his head, mumbling a small not yet, I might feel better soon.

the blonde knew it was just an excuse. he couldn't go to the doctors, the woman who helped treat him would know he reduced his intake of hormones and that would create so many additional problems for him to worry about.

all he could do was pray everything would clear up soon.

the reason why this was happening was unknown, he's been getting more sleep and jungkook's been making sure he's been eating properly.

hopefully it was just a simple viral thing that wouldnt last much longer.

hes surely had those before.

besides, his body wasn't a concern right now. something else was.

"so jeongyeon," he whispered, softly, feeling like the words were simultaneously sweet and sour on his tongue. "tell me about her."

jungkook grinned, reeling the smaller boy closer into his body and holding him tight.

"im glad you asked," he began, brushing some loose hairs out of his boyfriends face, glancing down to him with gleaming eyes. "theres a few things I wanted to explain about my relationship with her, I was just too worried about your health first."

jimin hated that he blushed at that. hes supposed to be worried, why was jungkook making that harder for him?

"as you know, she's nayeon and I's best friend." the younger spoke, carefully rubbing his thumb along the blonde's curves. "she helped us through the time of my moms death, that was when her and I had to go out on our own."

jimin suddenly fell softer at that.

he couldnt imagine how hard that had to be to go through all at once. maybe it could start making sense why they were so close. especially if jeongyeon was the one who guided them through it.

at least, he really hoped so. jungkook was always loyal to him each time before.

that wasn't gonna change now that his old best friend friend was back, right?

"we stayed with her till nayeon graduated, actually." the raven confessed, surprising the latter. "her family gave us their guest bedrooms and we lived with them that whole year. that's why we're so close. shes also the weird year between us so we fought over her attention sometimes."

the blonde lost his smile at that last bit.

"I used to have a crush on her, I don't wanna lie to you and say I didn't." jungkook pronounced honestly, pressing a quick kiss to his boyfriend's temple. "but nayeon always won that game over me. you have nothing to worry about baby, I promise you. past tense for a reason, jimin-ah. I only love you."

jimin leant up, giving the younger a small kiss on the cheek.


"promise." the raven confirmed, tackling his boyfriend and leaving endless face and neck kisses the rest of the night, making sure to go easy on his sore body.

why didn't Jimin feel any less insecure about himself though?

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