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"cmon babe, you still got it." jungkook encouraged from in front of the older, a smile coursing along his lightly upturned lips, the corners bold and prominent.

jimin sighed at the cute challenging words, laying across the mat with his raven hair spread throughout, small breaths of air slowly passed in and out of his separated lips.

its been a while since he and jungkook last did this, most of the time in-between was spent on rebuilding the smaller boy's courage with approaching his ex.

now it was finally their turn to head back to being everyone's annoyingly perfect but still favourite couple at the gym.

no matter what anybody there may tell you, they always looked forward to seeing jungkook and jimin working out together.

it was adorable the way the younger found creative ways to motivate his tiny boyfriend.

"cmon, jimin-ah," jungkook teased, holding his grip around the boy's shoes. "gimme a kiss."

jungkook decided another addition to their normal routine would be if he and jimin did sit-ups, but instead of making them normal like everybody else.. each time jimin came back up to a full sit, he'd get a kiss.

he must admit though, the younger was very cute for suggesting it.

dont tell him, but it certainly encouraged jimin to complete the sit up rather than trying to cheat it for an easier way out.

jimin let out a small giggle, curling his body up and letting his lips meet with the latter's, continuing to do that for a few more reps.

a minute or two passed and the prior blonde only had one left. instead of ending it off like anybody else normally would, he decided to give his own shot at making things interesting.

considering the two of them were off on the side by themselves, it wouldn't really be that big of a deal anyways.

besides, it's not like other couples didn't do it anyways. they weren't the first by any means.

with that said, jimin ended his final set with a kiss to jungkook lips, the only difference this time was that his smaller hands tangled through his hair and fell back down, pulling the younger over him.

"okay," jungkook chuckled over his lips, easing into his boyfriend's actions and returning the gesture. "I see you."

thus left the two of them to spend the rest of the night doing various correlated things, making the two of them fall harder with each passing second as everyone else swooned at their utter perfection of a relationship.

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