literally everyone here is gay 👀✨❤️JIMIN
hi everyone.. :(JIMIN
I hope it's okay to have a new and improved group chat now 🥺NAYEON
awh :(( you included us, thank you sm jimin 💓JEONGYEON
you're literally the most precious thing 🥺NAMJOON
honestly, the more the merrierTAEHYUNG
you're gonna need all the support you can get, why notJIMIN
I am :(JIMIN
but that's okayJIMIN
this was just my way of letting everyone know that ive officially been released ☺️HOSEOK
that's awesome!SEOKJIN
awh, that's so good to hear bubYOONGI
we're glad it all worked outNAYEON
are you feeling any better??JIMIN
a bit, yeahJIMIN
still REALLY soreJIMIN
but I know it'll be over soon.. ill head to the treatment specialists and we'll discuss my options once it's goneJIMIN
till then, I have to stay home for the next two weeks and do some healingJIMIN
im really sorry I scared you all like that 🥺 I promise im gonna get better and help myselfNAMJOON
dont be?? of course we were terrified, it's still not your fault you feel this waySEOKJIN
don't blame yourself min :( we know you wanna make the efforts and healNAYEON
it's gonna take time, but we'll be here throughout the journey ❤️JIMIN
thank you ❤️ it means so much to me you guys could forgive me like thisTAEHYUNG
again, no need. it's not your faultYOONGI
with the two of you, we know it's only a matter of time before you're okay againYOONGI
don't try to rush your healing process, just take it slow and go easy on yourselfYOONGI
it's the best thing you can doJIMIN
you sound just like jungkookJIMIN
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look at him 🥺NAYEON
my favourite couple 😍JEONGYEON
besides us, she means ☺️HOSEOK
we'll be like this too, won't we babe?YOONGI
if you actually try, maybeHOSEOK
don't be mean like this 🥺 all I wanna do is cherish youSEOKJIN
awkward moments when hobi turns into guk 2.0JIMIN
alright, we're home now guys ☺️JIMIN
ill update you on any big decisions or discussions ✨

Emasculate | Jikook ✓
Fanfiction❝ This is your decision baby, just know that you won't be alone this time. ❞ Almost two years later and pretty boys still hold deeper secrets than one would think. Sequel to: Effeminate #completed ________________ written!au | media!au | nsfw! [W...