Chapter 8- HE'S A MOLE

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"Omg did you hear what happened last night?"

"Soo embarrassing."

"They never actually kissed."

"Did you hear that Brandon is not really her personal trainer?"


And like I expected, last night was the talk of the school. I got to my locker to see Maddy leaning on it grinning. I got next to her and we did our evil handshake.

"Bish he about to stay home." Maddy said the grin remaining.

"Girl you know..." I was cut off by a the entire hallway running in the direction of the main entrance.

Maddy pulled me toward the parking lot with the rest if the crowd. I pull her back making her halt.

"What's going on?" I asked pulling her to the side, away from the running students.

"Brandon's in a fight with Jordan." She said pulling me to the entrance.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd was chanting as I push my way through till I got to the front.

Jordan had a bloody nose and Brandon had bleeding lip.

Jordan tried attacking Brondon but he easily dodged and Jordan's head hit a car. Jordan was furious, his face was turning red by the second. This time Brandon attacked but Jordan dodged and Brandon came flying in my direction.

I fell to the ground with Brandon towering untop of me. He was looking straight into my eyes and his softened a little bit but he covered it up with a cold look.

I heard a few gasps around us as Brandon inched closer to my ear.
"Nice tattoo." He said smirking as he run his hand up my thigh and got off.


I quickly got up and pull my skirt down. Not only did he see my tattoo but everyone in the parking lot.

I stood there with my face red like a tomato as everyone kept staring. I covered my face and walk away before anyone could ask questions or say anything.

I ran to the bathroom on the third floor where nobody goes. I rest on the counter and look up at myself in the mirror. What was happening to me? First I agree to go to a public school and go undercover, then I get exposed little by little.

I'm soo stupid to think this would work out smoothly. The queen B is after me and most persons take advantage over me. 

Someone smart could easily compare the tattoos and figure out my secret. This is bad, I've did such a good job at hiding my tattoos since I entered this school and this one day I decided to wear a skirt I fell. Great job Rena you're soo good at this. (Note the sarcasm)

The entire day went by all I've been receiving are weird stares and multiple questions.

Maddy had disappeared after the fight, Brandon winked at me every time and Brittany shot me death glares.

I was currently sitting in my last period for chemistry and Brittany bores holes through my head every five minutes and Brandon did nothing whiles I did the entire practical alone. Such a great 'lab partner.'

When the bell rang I literally spinted out of school to get to the gym before Brandon. My driver a waited me at the gate with my gym bag in my seat.

"Gimbo what did I tell you about picking me up in the Lambo!" I shouted watching him furious.

"Sorry, but your mom left with the jeep and the limo was way too fancy and I most definitely couldn't take your Ferrari or you would kill me and I couldn't take your motorbike cause I don't know how to ride it so what did you want me to do Rena?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

I just sigh. "You really need to teach my mom how to drive Lambo." I said drily as I put my headphones in.

When we got to the gym Gimbo dropped me off at the entrance and went off.

"Hey monkey."

"Alex you need to find me a new personal trainer." I said walking towards the locker room.

"Why what's wrong with Brandon? I mean you seemed to like him a lot..." He trailed off

"I have nothing to explain to you and besides, why can't you do it like always?" I asked coming to a halt.

"Because I got a better contract Rena. I train Charlotte now and to be honest she is better than you." He said shrugging.

Oh no he didn't!

"Excuse me?" I asked "You think Charlotte Flair is better than me?"

"Yes Rena and it's a fact, she is the queen after all." He said in a duhh tone.

And I laughed. I laughed so hard I swore I pissed myself. Suddenly I came to a halt.

"Listen Alex nobody in that arena is better than me and from now on a don't want to see you face again." I said the last few words in my coldest voice. His look of confusion turned to surprise but he quickly covered it up with a smirk.

"If that's what you want then so be it. See you at wrestle mania and trust me when I say, you are nothing." His cold tone matched mine and he turned on his heels making his way to the door.

I rested my back against the wall and slid down tiil I reached the cold floor.

After a few minutes the door opened snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Buckle up you got yourself a permanent job." I said getting off the floor.

"Wait what? What happened  to my uncle? And why do you think that I wanna work for you after what you did to me?" Brandon asked his eyes hard and his voice cold and deep.

"Your uncle was a mole. Do you know what that is?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He nods and signals for me to continue.

"He was secretly working for Charlotte Flair behind my back, trying to make her better than she is." I take a see ond to breath then continue. "I'm gonna prove him wrong cause in two days I'm gonna win Nikki Bella and get to wrestle mania and you're gonna help me."

"And to answer you other question. If you work for me and help me get to wrestle mania, I'm gonna reward you with $100 000 and if you give me a reason to trust you, I may tell you a little secret." I said hoping for a good reaction.

"You got yourself a deal." He said stretching out his his hand. His face gave away nothing neither did his eyes.

I reach out to meet his hand and spoke again " I look forward to working with you. Just a warning. " I pause for a dramatic effect. "I'm gonna be a hand full." I give a fake smile and let go of his hand.

He smirked and said. "I can handle it."






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