Chapter 16- Get Out Of My Way

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Okay maybe it wasn't what I expected but it was what I chose. I had to stay up late at night counting money and I knew you're thinking it's not that bad, but try adding training, school and wrestling to my agenda.

"Rena I need to have a word with you real quick." Xavier said. "There's a meeting on Friday for all gang leaders and their assistants. But since I'm the biggest guy on the West side it's too risky to go so I'm sending Brandon to decoy leader so he can get me some business on the East side and you will go with him."

"But I'm busy Friday, I got training and..." He cut me off before I could finish.

"Rena I'm not asking you, I telling you. Consider it a heads up. It's Friday night at seven, Brandon will pick you up at six dress elegant but don't be too extra." He said leaving the room.

Honestly its not like I had a choice anymore. I had to go by the rules and have full commitment.

They even made me leave my shopping spree earlier this week.

And you know no lady is happy when you cut her an hour's worth of shopping.

Maddy and I made up a few days ago after some long at apology from her.

It did mean a lot that she apologized and explained that she didn't want to hurt me.

And blah blah blah

"Asswhole." I mumbled under my breath.

Xavier and I have a lot of sibling arguments here and there but that's always how we were.

I put the elastic around the last band of money before the door opened.

I lifted my head to be greated by an angry Brandon.

He stormed tomards me pinning me against the wall causing all the air to knock out of my lungs.

I closed my eyes absorbing the pain.

His eyes were cold and dark as he whispered into my ear.

"Now you listen to me you rat it's either you bribe big brother to get you out of this mess or you get out of my way do you understand me." He said a deep and dark tone.

"Let go of me ass whole!" I shouted trying to fight him off.

I twisted my arm forcing him to let go of it and I kicked him in his abdomen making him shamble back.

I pulled the gun out or his waist  pointing it at his head.

"He easily knocked it out of my hand be for pushing me against the wall even harder.

He was about to whisper in my ear again before Xavier entered the room.

"What the fuck is going on in here. Why the fuck are you making out with my sister!" Xavier shouted his body obviously tensed.

"Making out?" I questioned in confusion. "You can stop interpreting his dreams now." I said in a confused tone.

If he thought I would ever make out with that manboob, he was as equally as crazy as Brandon was.

He then tirned his attention to Brandon shooting him a glare.

Brandon leeft the room, his face still showing no emotion.

Xavier then returned his attention to me, his eyes now full with concern. "Are you okay sis?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I snapped

"Just forget about him, he can get like that at times." He said

"Yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

"Rena Zara Beau, are you sassing me?" He said playfully

I let out a chuckle

"Looks like you're done, see you tomorrow." He said handing me an envelope with my pay. "And make sure you look clean for Friday, you gotta look impressive."

"Bro you know that's not gonna be a problem." I said grabbing my things and leaving his office.

I couldn't wait to pay my bed a visit.

Maddy and I had been shopping for hours. I was looking for a new dress for Friday but nothing seemed to catch my attention.

"Maddy I give up I can't find anything." I whinned

"One more store." She said sending me a smile

"You said that for the last four stores." I said truthfully

"Just one more, I have a good feeling about this one." She said pulling me to the entrance.

"I'm never gonna get a dress..." I trail off as a dress cought my eye.

It was a long black sinky dress with golden decorations all over it. It was perfect. It fit the explanation just right and it was mesmerizing, I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

(Picture of dress below)

I grabbed it off the rack and took it to the dressing room with Maddy in toe

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I grabbed it off the rack and took it to the dressing room with Maddy in toe.

I put it on and honestly its perfect. It hug my figure perfectly and hang a little below my feet.

I stepped out of the dressing room leaving Maddy speechless. Her eyes were wide with surprise before she masked it up.

"You look amazing but now that I think about it, I've seen you in better." She said

"Madds does it really matter? I'm not going to a red carpet event." I reply.

"You do have a point, but Rena do you really think this is a good idea, I mean this is next level shit." She said

"Maddy it's gonna be fine, it's just a meeting in the form of a party type of thing." I said

"Yeah but I don't want my best friend getting hurt or wake up one morning and hear that she was murdered." Maddy said

"Okay now you're a little too dramatic I promise nothing will happen." I say brushing it off

"If you say so, but can we go eat I'm really hungry and you know a girl love her food."

We both let out a chuckle

"Sure, I'm starving."




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