Chapter 25- Shameless

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       I don't read over these chapters very often so there may be typing errors or spelling errors.

Rena's POV

Lets just say we have a plan. I was forced to stay away from Chris's wife due to my violent behavior. But who can blame me, I'm just that way.

We set up traps around the trap house as well as alarms.

We took over an abandoned house twenty minutes away from the actual trap to make them believe that's where our hide out is.

We're gonna fake some transactions to make them think they know our every move but its all an act.

We set up C4 in various places. If this doesn't work...

Any hoo I'm currently wearing the shortest and bitchiest dress I've ever seen.

"Really!" I shout pointing to the dress. "Xavier this is way too rachet." Rachet was the way to explain it.

I wore a short red dress which reached just below my butt. There were two circles on the sides showing my waist and showin way too much boobs.

And by boobs I mean almost the whole thing. I feel like only my nipples are covered.


"It won't be for long. I hate to see you in this but you're the the only one that will convince them that this is the place." He says calmly.

"No I'm not." I protest.

"Yeah but you're the only one they know but won't kill." He smiled sweetly but it soon disappeared. "I don't like this andI can't sand the sight of you in this it's gonna be okay I promise."

I nod and make my way to my position in the front.

I sit in the chair I was assigned to. My body is tenced and I'm uneasy my heart is racing in my chest as I keep an eagle's eye out for any unfamiliar vehicle.


I shot up in my seat when a black Range Rover appeared from around the corner.

I quickly stood up flexing my exposed skin and flirting with a security.

I feel like a slut or someone with no self respect. I feel disgusting, and rather dirty. Basically everything I planned against doing when I was a child.

Lord, I've steped soo low. This better be worth it but right now I'm focused on one thing, making my brother happy.

The vehicle slows down, it's then I realized how many vehicles followed the Range Rover.

I give the sign meaning they're here. The gun men and security take their positions in the bush and Luke and Liam walk out to fake the transaction.

I step aside and let the magic happen. They fake the transaction perfectly according to plan.

Chris looks furious as he walks out of the vehicle, I mean who would be happy to see there top tradder making a deal with the enemy.

He fires a few bullets in the air but I stand my ground. Brandon walks up to him to pretend to be the leader like old time just like we planned.

"Chris." He says coldly

"Brandon." He replies.

"I believe you're on West territory." He says pointing out the obvious.

"And  I believe you have something which belongs to me." He snaps.

By now all Chris's men are standing behind him as backup.

"And what may that be?" Brandon asked coldly.

"My wife!" Chris shouts.

"Well would you look at that, you hurt someone that belongs to me." Brandon says.

"Well would I have hurt your property if you didn't kill my hermano?" Chris's tone now matches Brandon's.

"Well would I have kill your hermano if he didn't try to kill me." Brandon says his body physically tensing.

That's when it hits me, the man who's supposed to be my father stood on Chris's right side.

"Zanda." I says coldly cutting Chris off.

He smirks when he sees me. "Rat." He says chuckling.

I'm about to launch at him when someone catches me by my waist.

Ladies and gentlemen standing in this corner I introduce to you the one and only Xavier Beau.

He steps in front of me and speaks out. "That's not your father, we don't have a father, he gave up that tible long ago." He says. "This is war, and I guese in this business you never know who your boss in, well you met him now.

He steps up in from of Chris who is much shorter than him. "I'm the boss." He says in a deep voice.

a random bullet fires and that's all it takes to start the war. Guns start going crazy and I run for cover when some pulls my arm.

I try screaming but the person has a tight grip on my mouth.

"It's me." The familiar voice whispers.

I know that voice, it's Brandon.

"I just want you to know that what ever happens I just wanna let you know that I love you and you're the best thing that's happened to me in years and I never want you to leave me." I blurt out.

He looks at me sweetly with these beautiful brown eyes ,oh those eyes. "I love you too Rena, and I'll always come back to you no matter what happens. I'll always be by your side no matter-"


All I could see around me were dead bodies and fire cause by the exploration.

Brandon lay uncontious in my arms, I looked around. Xavier was crawling towards me while my father lay dead in the ground.

My world shattered and warm tears run down my cheeks, everything became a blur.

"Rena, I love you and you're a wonderful sister. Take care of yourself and further your education. You're worth the world but I cant stay, I gotta leave before the cops get here. We will see again and promise me you'll never get into a mess like this ever again and take care if mom for me."

Before I could answer he was gone.

How could I ever live with myself. I've been soo selfish and self absorbed that I never paid attention to anyone else. I never took time to listen to how other people felt. I never treated people equally and I never got time to fix my family.

I was soo happy before. I had a happy family, I had people who loved and cared for me and I had great friends who stuck by my side and I never took time to care.

Now all my walls are crushing down. When I could have done something  I stood and watched life crumble to my feet.

I'm Shameless






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