Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It was my last dive. My  goal, if I did a standard dive I should come 2nd which didn’t seem real actually it felt like a dream. Tom was right I could see him every time I had walked up them stairs towards the 10 meter board before I dived; well I could see the whole team.  They were all actually there supporting me I thought only Tom and Katie would come but it turned out they all came. They even had a union jack flag with my name on it. They had helped massively each time I was about to dive they would scream and shout and cheer me on as well as after my dive. I was so lucky to have them as my team mates I couldn’t ask for any better people. I believed it was them that was helping get my best dives, but this one was the one that counted.  I chucked my shammy down for the last time in this competition and took a few deep breaths and looked up to the ceiling. I smiled as I heard the crowd cheer this was my moment to shine right, well that would be something Kat would say. I stood at the edge of my board took in the atmosphere, the next time I would be up here would be with Tom in a few days’ time then after that all of them hours of training would be over it’s weird thinking that 4 years of insane training just to finish so suddenly.  I smiled to myself I also saw Stace in the crowd with a figure that looked so like my dad I think it was him. I hope I can make them all proud. I raised my arms above my head and close my eyes and took one last breath then I chucked myself off the board.

I had done it I had got silver! And I don’t know how but I was even more emotion this time that I was when I got bronze with Katie. Once the final scores came up on the board I ran over to the team and they all smothered me with hugs as I got to Tom and hugged him “I told you, you could do it” he grinned. I wiped away my tears as Tonia wrapped the union jack flag around my shoulders and I waved to the crowd thanking them for all their support.  Kat congratulated me too and I swear even she had a tear in her eye; then I was rushed over to get ready for the medal ceremony. I quickly put on my tracksuit over my swimming costume. Then I made my way to the podium. I couldn’t stop crying I think it was because I couldn’t believe what had happened; I think it was it hadn’t sunk in. As they awarded me my medal the whole crowd were on their feet; I smiled as he placed the silver medal around my neck and gave me my flowers, after they went on to give the gold medal out I waved again held up the flag from around my shoulders. I shook hands with the bronze and gold medal winners and we all got together for our photo to be taken. The gold medal went to Australia and the bronze to Germany. I was quite close to Abbie who represented Australia so I was so happy for her and hugged her tight. We all smiled as what seemed like loads of photographers took our photos.

After my medal presentation I was so eager to find Stace and my Dad. I had called Stace and Dad and they said they would meet me just outside the changing rooms. As I made my way out to meet them a few of the other divers had patted me on the back and saying ‘well done you did amazing’ which was great. I finally saw my dad and I ran up to him “Dad!” I shouted and engulfed him into a massive hug. “May I am so proud of you! You did amazing and all of your hard work has paid off if anyone deserved it was you” “Thank you Dad”. I suddenly remembered my best friend I let go of my dad and behind him stood my best friend grinning I ran up to her and practically jumped on her “MY BEST FRIEND IS A SLIVER MEDALIST!” she screeched “I saw you Stace when I was about to dive and I could hear you screaming each time I was up there” I smiled “Really?” “Yep I was like…that’s my Stace” we both laughed. I stayed with my dad and Stace for about an hour, then I remembered I hadn’t seen the team yet “Well I best be get going and see the rest of the team, do you both want to come?” “No its okay daring I don’t want to intrude, you go have fun! I call you later” He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. “You coming Stace?” “Are you sure?” “Yeah of course come on” . We quickly went back to mine and Katie’s apartment. Stace borrowed one of my dresses which was red and short that I had packed and I wore the other one which was a strapless; navy blue and fell about half way down my thighs I slipped on my black pumps and we were ready to go.  

The diver boy - going for gold ♥ (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now