Chapter: 3

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Last week has passed in a breeze. Mostly I have stayed at home, busy helping Pops in repairing his old car. I enjoy spending time with him. Sometimes we don't talk, we just do our own things in silence. I think I got this from him. We both don't mind the silence.

Silence is comforting.

I don't hole up in my house all day. I go for walks or drives around the town. However, I just prefer to keep to myself. I know how to have a fun time, but that side of me only comes out when I am with someone with whom I feel comfortable. 

It is not like I am rude to people. I will be friendly as I can be, which as far goes to talk to them without showing annoyance on my face. 

I stop putting up the ingredients on the kitchen counter, for dinner, when I hear the doorbell. Pops has gone to his friend's house for dinner, and I don't think he will come back home anytime soon. So, it can't be him, moreover, he has keys with him.

I drag my feet across the floor to answer the door, feeling agitated because the doorbell rings constantly.

I think whoever it is, has forgotten to remove their finger from the doorbell.

"Stop assaulting the doorbell, you fucking asshole," I shout feeling annoyed, as soon as I open the door, "Otherwise, I will break your finger into two."  

"See, now you believe me?" Kris laughs loudly pointing at me, then she looks at stunned Jake whose hand is in midair as he quickly removed his finger from the bell.

"Jake said, he can't imagine you as someone who can curse or even get angry," Kris shrugs still laughing, "I told him that you curse just fine."

"Anyone would curse if you will continuously ring their doorbell," I open the door wider, allowing them to come inside.

"Yeah, they would," she shrugs, "But that's not the point. The point was to show him that you don't remain calm and composed all the time."

"If you really want to check my vocabulary, then you should try to disturb my sleep," I lightly laugh, "I will make your ears bleed with a string of top-class curses," I nod at Jake.

"No, need, thanks," Jake shakes his head and laugh, "I am good."

"Are you guys staying for dinner?" I ask them as I go back to the kitchen, "I am making pizza," I tell them as I check the ingredients.

"No, we are going to a party," Kris leans against the kitchen door frame, "So, keep away all the things and get ready."

"Party?" My eyebrows pull together in confusion, "For what?"

"I don't know for what," she says making a face, "But we have to go," she pulls me, outside the kitchen, by my elbow.

"Kris, I don't know whose party is this and I don't even know the reason behind this party," I gently remove her hand, "Not everyone, is like you who throws a party for no reason and I am not even invited."

Kris loves to throw parties, she simply enjoys being a hostess. She doesn't need any specific reason to party, she sometimes just come up with the most stupid reason to party.

"Oh, C'mon," she rolls her eyes, "You are talking like you know everyone here. It is Jake's friend's party and I know him too, so you don't need an invitation. Everyone is going to be there and I don't want you to miss the fun."

"Everyone is going to be there, this gives me another reason to not to attend the party," I shake my head and sigh.

"Please, Avery," she pleads.

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