Chapter: 83

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Avery's POV

I never wanted to come here back, especially after Pops died, there is nothing which is binding me here.

All the strings attached to this place had been finally broken with his departure. But there are some unfinished businesses that need to be completed, some unclosed chapters which need to be shut, then only I can truly move on from this place.

Among all those unclosed chapters, Alec's chapter is none of them. As it had already been shut six years back.

When I see Alec with Liam, my heart hurts. I always hoped that Liam would never meet my past. I never wanted him to meet Alec, at the same time, I knew it was impossible.

One was a curse for me and the other is a blessing for me.

There was a time when my life began and ended on Alec. My whole existence revolved around him, but now he doesn't even exist for me. He is nothing more than a stranger to me.

A stranger with whom I had shared some memories which I want to forget, but I can't...

You can forget a person, but how can you forget the feelings which that person stirred in your heart?

"Mommy, are we going somewhere?" Liam raises his head from his coloring book and asks when he notices me grabbing my car keys.

"Yeah, I have some important work." I check my phone to read the address where the dealer has asked me to meet, "So, pack some of your toys, we will leave in ten minutes." I place a quick kiss on his head and give him his bag so he can put some of his toys in it.

Pops has left a few things on my name, some of which I don't plan to keep, so I am selling them. Especially the cabin with which my tainted memories are linked.

However, I am not going to sell Pops home and his garage, because they are my sanctuary after Pops.

"I am ready." Liam puts his shoes on and wears his bag.

"Good." I smile and place a hand on his shoulder, "C' mon lets go." I offer him my hand, which he happily holds.

"You are not coming with us?" Kristan asks when she meets me at the parking lot, "I have planned this outing, so that mine and Jake's family can mingle with each other, and you are not coming with us?" Her voice is full of disappointment.

"I am sorry, Kris." I shake my head, "I can't come, I have to meet the dealer."

"Dealer?" She looks puzzled.

"Yes, I am selling the cabin house," I inform her, "There is a dealer who is interested to buy the property and I have to meet him in an hour."

As soon as, she hears this, her expression turns into shock. Before she can come out of her shocked state, we hear Liam's scream.

"Mommy!" He cries loudly, and I see a scary looking dog coming towards him while he freezes in his spot, probably due to shock.

Instantly, I run towards him and pick him up before the dog can reach him. Holding Liam tightly against me. Bracing myself for whatever that dog is up to.

I press Liam's head on my chest when I hear his small whimpers. After a moment, when nothing happens, I slowly turn myself to face whatever is in front of me.

My eyes widen in surprise when I see that terrifying dog standing just a few inches from me, kind of looking innocent. What surprises me even more than that Alec has held that dog by its collar, as he is looking at me worriedly.

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