Chapter: 64

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Folding up the laundry, I place it back in the closet as I clean my room. It has been a few days since that incident but I think Alec is still mentally stuck there, he needs to know about my whereabouts 24/7. And annoying thing is that he can easily pick up my lies, so lying to him is out of the question.

Just to irritate him, I even texted him once before going to the bathroom.

While cleaning my room, my eyes land on the only empty corner of my room as sudden ache stirs in my heart.

Even though I have stopped thinking about them, sometimes, it still hurts when I remember that letter. Only Kris knows about my last visit to them, apart from Pops. I haven't even told Alec because I don't want to tell anyone. The bond which I share with Kris is something that I can't explain in words. It is something no one can ever come close it, not even Alec.

Sitting on the bed, I pick up my phone as I dial Kris's number.

"Kris, talk to me about anything," I say as soon as she answers the call, as an urge to cry brings moisture in my eyes.

"I am about to hear animal porn," She lightly laughs.

"How many times you are going to watch Jurrasic park?" I laugh and wipe my eyes, instantly feeling better.

"It is that or I have to watch the Discovery channel, so Jurrasic Park it is." She sighs, "Sometimes being elder sister sucks, but then being younger sister also sucks. In short, being James and Ryan's sister sucks, they both are losers."

"Feeling better now after knowing how being me sucks?" She jokes.

She asked me whenever I miss them or want to cry, I should tell her. She will talk to me until I will feel better. And until now she never fails in that.

"I am feeling so much better now," I answer her honestly.

"That's like my Avy." Kris poorly mocks Pops' voice making me loudly laugh.

We talk for a few more minutes, then I say goodbye to her not wanting to disturb her brother-sister time.

After cleaning the rest of my room, the grumbling in my stomach reminds me I haven't eaten anything since the afternoon and it is almost dinner time. Walking inside the kitchen, I grab an apple while I go through the stuff to start the dinner.

The opening of the main door indicates Pops is back home. So, like always I go to greet him, but I get surprised seeing Alec with him.

"Hey," I say to get their attention, then my eye narrows looking at Alec's face.

"What happened to him?" Frowning, I point to the dried blood on the corner of his bottom lip.

I glance at Pops smug look, then Alec's silent expression.

"Why?!" I throw my apple at Alec, which hits directly on his arm.

He gives me a look cross between grimace and glare while Pops catches the apple before it can hit the floor.

"How could you, guys, do this to me?" I yell frustratedly, "You guys fought without me. Why I am the one who misses out all the fun?" I throw my hands in the air.

Seriously, I am annoyed. I was so hoping to see their sparing. As for once, I would be the one enjoying Pops blows as I will not be receiving them.

Alec looks like he is suppressing his smile while Pops laugh at my annoyance as he whispers something to him.

"We didn't fight, Avy." He pats my head but I push his hand away crossing my arms.

"He is too slow and weak for your Pops." He sighs and shakes his head as Alec stares down scratching his neck looking embarrassed. "See, he can't even hold himself against my hit." He points to Alec's face.

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