Chapter: 121

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Everything was going fine until Alec mentioned we will not live in this house. That was the moment when Alec witnessed Liam's demonic avatar for the first time.

There was hair-pulling, there were fists banging on the couch, there was screaming, there was shouting, and there was crying... a lot of crying.

It was a total disaster.

Because he doesn't want to go from here, as his most favorite treehouse is here and he will not leave his tree and his treehouse.

It took more than an hour of convincing and a written promise from Alec that he will build him an exact treehouse at his new home, then only Liam agreed to move to the new house.

Yes, Liam made Alec write on a paper that he has to build him the same design treehouse, and then he got his signatures too.

There is no escaping for Alec.

"It was chaotic." Alec shakes his head while raking his hand through his hair, "I swear my ears are still ringing. I can't believe he has this much energy in him, he was screaming for straight two hours..."

"One minute he was fine and then boom." He bumps his fists together then makes an explosive gesture, "He just exploded like a volcano." He raises his eyebrows, still looking stunned.

"I am sure when you mentioned moving from this house, at that moment he has already started debating that living with you is really worth it." I quietly laugh, "In his mind, he had already chosen his treehouse over you."

"Thanks for making me feel so special." He rolls his eyes, pretending to look offended.

My eyes shift into my lap, I smile looking at Liam when his lips turned into a small cute pout as he sleeps in my arms looking like an angel.

My son is a little demon, disguised as an angel.

And I love my demon.

While watching cartoons he fell asleep in my arms as constant yelling and crying have tired him out.

He frowns in sleep when Alec lightly taps his finger on his pouted lips.

"Do you want to face the wrath of Demon Liam again?" I arch an eyebrow at him.

He shakes his head in negative but still continues to disturb Liam. Alec has a mischievous smile on his face because he is enjoying disturbing him.

"Stop." I grab his hand while glaring at him, "Don't disturb his sleep, he is tired. If he woke up then he will be cranky," I say in a hushed tone.

I pull Liam closer to my chest while slightly twisting my body away from Alec to shield Liam from him.

"He makes funny faces." Alec quietly laughs as he rubs circles on Liam's back.

"Dad..." Liam opens his eyes and glances at Alec, "Hold me." He whines and extends his arms in Alec's direction.

Instantly, Alec takes him from me, then snuggling into his chest Liam falls to sleep again.

Alec glances at Liam fondly and kisses his head as he leans back on the couch settling Liam comfortably on his chest.

"Not want to disturb his sleep anymore, huh?" I raise my eyebrows questioningly at him.

He wraps his arms around Liam while silently staring at Liam's face.

Lifting his eyes away from him, Alec looks at me and shakes his head in no while softly smiling as he keeps his cheek on his head.


Alec also fell asleep on the couch while being a bed to Liam, after covering both of them with a blanket I started to pack up some of the stuff, mostly my work-related papers, which I will need from here.

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