Alec blinks as if he is also surprised with what has just happened, running his hand through his hair he looks away.
I don't think I will be able to face him.
Maybe after decades or two, I will. But not now.
I kissed Alec!
"Oh, My God!" I whisper to myself as my cheeks turn a shade darker.
"Avery." He turns to me and opens his mouth to speak, then closes it like even he doesn't know what to say.
My eyes flicker to his mouth. His mouth which I was just kissing.
Quickly, I move my eyes back to his face which is now not giving away anything.
I should not have kissed him, he is my friend, for Godsake.
But why I don't regret this kiss at all? Why it felt so right?
My heart racing so fast as I start to panic.
Keeping my head down, while slowly heat starts to creep onto my cheeks again, I quickly get out of his car and run to my house.
Thankfully, at my first attempt, the door gets unlocked and closing the door behind I race to my room.
"Holy moly!" I clasp my head with both hands, as soon as I enter the room, thinking about... yeah, the kiss.
I fan my cheeks with my hands as I start to pace around the room.
"You kissed Alec." Standing in front of the mirror, I point at myself.
Staring at my flushed cheek, I remember how he was holding me while his lips moved gently against mine, like he has all the time in the world.
I was shocked, but it strangely didn't feel awkward. It almost felt natural.
Slowly, I drag my finger over my bottom lip, still feeling tingles from the kiss. The sensation of his lips pressed against mine is still present. Gradually, slow shy smile tugs at my lips making me question my feelings for him.
Do I like him? Yes, of course, I do.
Do I like him as a friend or is he something more than that? This is something that I am not able to figure it out yet.
But what I know is that he does make my heart skip a beat.
Groaning I cover my face behind my hands, falling on the bed face down grinning like a maniac. Sometime later I fall asleep.
"Avy!" I hear Pops calling me from outside my room, the way sunlight is crawling into my room from the slight opening of the curtain, I assume it is already morning.
The previous night again comes to my mind, and just by the thought of it, a blush starts to form on my face.
Hey, I am still a normal girl... well, normal according to my standard, but still, normal... who had her first kiss. So, I can blush all I want, not that I am even trying to. The moment I think about it, my face automatically becomes red.
"Avy! Get your ass out of the bed," Pops yells along with knocking on my door.
Pops, let a girl peacefully enjoy thinking about her first kiss.
"I am up, stop assaulting my door," I yell back, quickly getting out the bed I open the door.
"Do you know what is this about?" Pops holds Frisky and a big smile breaks onto my face as she adorably meows at me.
"Frisky." I squish her face.
"Easy, don't kill the poor thing." Pops immediately covers Frisky not allowing me to shower my love on her.

Always Together✔️
RomanceHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)