Alec's POV
Extreme rage consumes me as her eyes flash in my mind. The eyes which always held mischievous sparkle, which I love the most, looked so dull. As if someone has sucked the life out of them.
I make my way towards Victoria while anger running through my veins like hot lava. She smiles when she looks at me, but before she can open her mouth. I wrap my fingers around her neck while pushing her against the window.
"I believe in equality, I don't care whether the person in front of me is a guy or a girl. I will give, both of them, the same treatment. Because I am raised not to raise a hand on innocent and I simply follow that rule." I tighten my hold on her neck.
"Therefore, you being a girl will not going to stop me from beating the hell out of you if try to hurt my Avery in any way." Slightly raising her above the floor, I squeeze my fingers around her neck, feeling her windpipe beneath my fingers. Her face starts turning blue while tears continuously fall from her eyes as she claws my hand as I continue to close my hand around her windpipe.
"No words are coming out of your mouth, now?" Tilting my head, I watch her struggling to breathe whereas only wheezing sound is coming from the mouth.
From the peripheral vision, I can see Jake standing close to me to hold me back if I completely lose my control. Even though, I want nothing but to snap her neck. But I refrain from doing so, but this doesn't mean I would care if this bitch will die by my hands.
Just there will be a lot of fucking answering to do. I think I can handle that.
"Nobody messes with my Avery, do you understand that?" I harshly smack her against the window, which rattles with the impact.
Somebody turns off the music and the entire house is completely silent, as I can feel everyone's stares.
"Next time, if I find you or anyone trying to insult her or hurt her." I look around the room, my eyes landing on her puppets who look like they will pass out any moment, "The thought of bullet between your eyes will look more welcoming, than what I will do with you all." A sinister smile forms on my face, thinking about the ways I would love to torture them.
I throw her on the floor and she starts coughing furiously trying to regain her breath.
"Alec, Avery is not answering my call." Kris grabs my arm to gain my attention.
I have to give credit to this girl, just a moment ago she watched me almost squeezing the life out of somebody, and she doesn't even look afraid of me.
"I called Frank, even she is not answering his calls." She starts to panic, "She always answers our calls. For once she will not receive my call, but she never misses Frank's call."
"I am worried, this is not normal." Kris's eyes fill with tears, as she shakes her head and looks at Jake. Jake has been silent this whole time, but his expression holds anger and worry, both.
There's something alarming about Avery's expression, the moment I saw her, I knew something is off about her.
"What the hell were you thinking, James, when you invited this bitch at the party?" Kris yells at her brother who looks dumbfounded.
"I swear, Kriss, I did not invite her," he says raising his hands in surrender while shaking his head feverously. "What the fuck you are doing in my house?" He turns his gaze to Victoria while glaring at her in disgust.
Ignoring them, I get outside the house and start driving to the first place which comes to my mind where she could have gone.
Her parents' cabin.

Always Together✔️
Storie d'amoreHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)