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"Are you alright?" The woman asks me with a concerned filled voice, as I get back to the table.

"You should ask this question from that creep," I smirk, "His little soldier will not be able to rise any time soon."

"Oh, God! I can't believe you just did that," she covers her mouth with her hand and laughs.

I arch my eyebrow when Alec also sits with us. 

The manager brought an extra chair for the couple, as my table is for two people. But I don't know, from where Alec got a chair.

Maybe I should have a word with that manager. My table is not a bloody waiting table, that he is bringing more people.

"What is your name?" she asks.

"My name is Avery, Ma'am," I politely smile at her, then give Alec a what the hell look subtly which he completely ignores.

"Avery!" her eyes widen happily, she looks at me then shares a look with her husband.

Meanwhile, Alec is acting like a jerk. I glance at the table and take a deep breath, then I kick him under the table. His head jerks up while he slightly flinches, as my foot connects with his knee. 

He should be thankful I am not wearing heels, otherwise, I would have punctured his knee.

This time I keep a straight face and pretend to ignore his shocked look. 

"Yes?" I tilt my head and sweetly smile at him, asking him what the hell is he doing here.

So much for keeping our friendship secret.

"Avery, it is so nice to meet you. I am Lorene Gregory and this is my husband Harold Gregory," she places a hand at her husband's arm and smiles looking expectantly at me. Like I will immediately remember her after her introduction. However, the truth is that I haven't heard these names before. 

"Nice to meet you, too," I slowly nod my head and give her a small...a really small smile. Otherwise, my smile would have resembled grimace.

"We haven't met before, but we know so much about you," she smiles.

If there was anyone else other than her, then I would be thinking why isn't her jaw aching from smiling so much. But Mrs.Gregory has an easy and beautiful smile. This must be her natural expression.

"Should I be happy? That I am unknowingly so famous," I raise my eyebrows, "Or should I be worried that I am sharing my table with stalkers?" My eyes shift between her and her husband, then pauses at Alec.

"I like her," she laughs not sounding offended.

"Well, thank you," I shrug, "I rarely hear this from people. So, for a change it is refreshing."

"I think I should reintroduce myself," she clears her throat and pauses, looking at me.

Should I make drumroll sound?

"We are," she smiles at Alec, "This guy's Mom and Dad."

"Yeah, okay," I simply nod, then my eyes widen in shock and confusion combine, "What the fu-" 

Mrs.Gregory arches an eyebrow and gives me a pointed look. The look which I have seen many times for others, but for the first time someone directed it towards me. The reprimanding yet adoring look which a mother gives her child.

"What the food!" I lightly squeak, quickly changing the F-word. Alec, on the other hand, is coughing into his fist.

"Hell, no!" I look at Alec, who is silently enjoying this whole thing, then to the couple to my other side.

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