Chapter: 122

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Later in the night, we lie in each other's arms cuddling and stealing kisses.

And everything feels so damn right. No regrets, no guilt of doing something wrong ever seep into my heart.

Alec's hand is draped lazily across my stomach as I run my fingers on his arm absentmindedly. Tilting my head to the side, I glance at him with a small smile.

His head is resting on his propped up elbow while he is staring at me, the corners of his lips are curved into a smile of his own. He moves his hand from my stomach and cups my face as he traces my smile with his thumb.

I meet him in the half when his lips are about to descend on mine. The feeling which surges through our hearts with each time we express our feelings wordlessly is addictive.

Pulling back he again moves back to his previous position as he smiles down at me.

With his tousled up hair and a lazy smile on his lips, he looks so carefree and relaxed that I want to capture this moment.

Turning around, I stretch my arm to grab my phone from the bedside table. Opening the camera, without giving him any warning I click his pictures.

His pictures vary from relaxed to shocked to laughing, and I love each of them.

Taking my phone in his hand, he lies down on his back while placing his arm behind his head as he goes through the pictures. I place my head beside him on his pillow, so that even I can look at these pictures.

My camera roll is filled with Liam's pictures just like any obsessed parent. Alec lightly chuckles watching Liam's weird faces which he makes for the camera. Then I hear him sighing contentedly when he glances at the picture of sleeping Liam as he puts back the phone.

Rolling on my stomach, I cross my arms over his chest and rest my chin on them.

"Alec, why do you keep checking on Liam while he is sleeping?" I ask with a confused smile.

Even I check up on Liam when he is sleeping, but not as much as him. I remember he even made me video call him to show him Liam is sleeping soundly because he was feeling restless.

"I feel at peace when I look at him, especially when he is sleeping, knowing that he is safe and sound." He places his hand on my back, "Just like I am at peace when you are with me." He glances down at me.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his heart.

"I feel the same, Alec." I admit quietly, "Knowing that you are with me, nothing looks daunting anymore."

Soon sleep consumes us, while we are lost in the comfort of each other's embrace.

My eyes open to Alec's sleeping face while a shy smile blooms on my lips recalling last night's events.

Leaning forward I press a kiss on his jaw, then placing my cheek against his warm chest I close my eyes feeling content to be where I am... in his arms.

I feel him kissing my head and his arms tighten around me.

A few minutes later I fall back to sleep.

I stir awake from my slumber when I hear Liam's voice from the other side of the door.

My eyes widen as he knocks on the door.

"Mommy!" He calls while knocking on the door, "I am hungry, can I eat that bar of Mars which you have hidden in the top shelf?"

Of course, he would have known where I have kept my Mars away from him. Nothing can be kept hidden from him.

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