After completing my work at the garage, which only involved some data entry, I wander aimlessly. It is been almost four weeks since my hand has been mummified, also four weeks since I have touched my car keys. Pops has confiscated my car keys, saying that he doesn't trust my driving skills when I drive with both hands, so now it is out of the question that he will allow me to drive.
It is good that I enjoy walking and can easily walk for miles, without complaining. Otherwise, I think I would have to add stealing in the lists of my talents. Because I would not have hesitated break Pops' safe, where he has securely kept my car keys, and stole them.
Last week has been filled with a lot of discoveries, when you walk you tend to come across a lot of interesting stuff.
Like, there is a shabby bar a few miles away from Kris house, which looks similar to Snuggly Duckling from the movie Tangled. A place which I will, definitely, going to explore some time soon. Kris is going crazy talking about drinking cheap beer and all, since the moment I have told her.
Then there is creepy looking abandoned house, in which we have planned to spend one-night watching horror movies. I am already excited about it, it will give so real vibes, that I can't wait for the day when we will go there.
Jake will not be included in our plans, because first, he will not allow us to do any of these things. And second, he is busy with his training. I think I am not going to tell Alec, as he is too uptight and doesn't know how to have fun without thinking about the consequences.
I guess he thinks that the entire world revolves around him and everybody will keep an eye on him. Like what he is doing, to whom he is meeting, blah blah... Although he is not snobbish, so I never told him that he is not that important or interesting that everyone will want to know what is going on in his life.
Sitting on the bench on the sidewalk, I look at my masterpiece which I have painted two days back on my cast. I am not a painter, but accidentally it turned out to be good. Well, at least to me.
After painting my hand in the deep blue color with a hint of light blue and black, I dusted some white color on it, with the help of a toothbrush. Because I didn't know what else to do, and surprisingly it wasn't a disaster. This is the best which I have come up with. I feel like I have my night sky with stars on my hand. This reminds me of fireflies that I have seen that night.
But now, my sky is about to be destroyed. Today doctor will cut off my plaster and I am terrified. I am having nightmares that the doctor will cut my hand instead of my plaster. And I will be left with only one hand, for the rest of my life.
If the doctor cut off my hand, then how am I going to survive my entire life with one hand?
One of the worst things about me is, suddenly developing a fear of something as useless as a white color pencil. It doesn't have to be anything really frightening, sometimes even random stuff can scare me, and it is not easy for me to overcome that fear. I try my best not to let fear control me, but still, it always lingers somewhere in my heart.
"I don't want to lose my hand," I whisper to myself, I can hear the fear in my voice, as I raise my eyes to the sky. I also mentally curse myself for watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre last night, because after that only I am afraid to get my plaster cut.
When I return home, I find Pops waiting for me. Without saying anything he wraps his arms around me, as soon as he sees my face. His embrace brings comforts, and a sense of security washes over me, dulling the frightening feeling.
"Nothing is going to happen," he says and places a kiss on my head, "Pops will not let anything happen to you." He runs his hand through my hair in a comforting manner.

Always Together✔️
RomanceHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)