Five days have passed since I have last seen Alec.
And in these last five days, all Liam talked about is Alec. However, all his conversation ends with the same question, whether Alec will come for his birthday.
I don't know, but I can hope he will.
Alec, please, don't break his little heart.
I don't want Liam to experience the disappointment which I had faced in my childhood. When my father never fulfilled his promise, leaving me alone to tend my broken heart. This fear lingers in my heart, but then I remind myself Alec is nothing like my father. He will never do anything intentionally which will hurt Liam.
Today is Liam's birthday, and still, I don't know whether Alec will be able to make it for his birthday or not.
Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and plastering a big smile on my face I enter Liam's room, which turns into a natural one as soon as my eyes land on Liam.
Sitting on his bed, I pull him into my lap and smooth his hair. A small pout forms on his sleeping face as he snuggles into my chest.
"Good morning, buddy," I kiss his head while rubbing his back to wake him up.
He slowly opens his eyes and gives me a sleepy smile.
"It's my birthday!" His smile gets bigger as he looks at me.
Only on his birthdays, he wakes up happy. Otherwise, he got my habit of taking some time to be able to be fully functional after waking up.
"Happy Birthday, Big boy!" I hug him and then smother him with kisses which makes him giggle.
"Is he here?" Liam asks excitedly as soon as his giggle quietens.
"No, baby, he is not." I give him a small smile. His face falls a little making my heart sink.
"Hey, but the day has just started, right?" I nod my head, "Maybe he will come late. So, don't be sad."
"And since it is your birthday, so no early bedtime." I smile, "You can play with him as much as you want."
"Really?" His eyes shine with excitement as he is back to his happy self, "This is going to be so much fun, then."
"Yeah, so much fun." I tickle him as he squirms trying to get away from me.
"Let's go and take a shower, so we can start your birthday fun!" Picking him up, I take him to the bathroom.
We usually don't celebrate his birthday like throwing a party or anything, we just spend the entire day doing lots of things which Liam wants to do. However, we do cut a cake because it is not a birthday unless there isn't a cake, right?
Most of his plans are spontaneous which makes his birthday more exciting for him. And he loves celebrating his birthday like this, instead of a traditional party and all.
Being spontaneous means fun and thrill, so even I enjoy his sudden plans. Last year, we had a paint fight I hope this year also he comes up with something interesting.
"So, what do you want to have as a birthday breakfast?" I ask as he wears his shirt.
"Chocolate ice-cream!" He grins and wiggles his eyebrow, looking stinking cute that I feel like squishing him in my arms.
"Okay, chocolate ice-cream it is." I smile back at him.
The noises which come from the backyard instantly send me into alert mode. Grabbing Liam's hand, I silently walk to the backdoor to look at what is happening.

Always Together✔️
RomanceHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)