Chapter: 9

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"Ew!"  I say for the thousandth time while rubbing my arm with the tissue paper. Poor tissue paper has also been torn into pieces by my assault while my arm skin has turned red.

After rummaging through my sling bag I find the small bottle of hand sanitizer which I always carry with me. Taking a generous amount of it in my hand I rub on my arm, it slightly stings but nevertheless, it is better than the feeling someone's sweat.

Kris, me, and Jake, we together walk towards the parking lot. As Jake said he will walk me to the car, as it is late. 

If all men in this world become like Jake, the world would become a safer place for women.

"Hey, booty-full," someone passes a remark, "Your booty felt so full in my hand," the laugh instantly make me halt in my step.

This is the bastard who touched me.

"Motherfucker!" Jake grits his teeth and starts to walk in his direction. That guy... no, not a guy, he looks like he is in his forty's, stands there with a lazy smile.

Bloody old pervert!

But I stop him by catching his arm before he can take a few more steps, while I narrow my eyes, now, at the smirking pervert.

"Let me talk to him," I say to Jake, and I go and stand in front of that leech.

"You were saying something, goat," I cross my arms and ask him.

"Goat?" he laughs showing his tobacco-stained teeth, "I bet you will enjoy eating this meat," he points at his crotch.

In my background, I can hear Kris and Jake arguing.

"Why don't you touch it, sugar?" He grabs my hand.

"Leave my hand," I calmly say as my other hand curls into a fist.

I am so close to saying goodbye to my twenty bucks

"What you gonna do?" he mocks, his eyes shifts to my balled hand then to my face, "Punch me?"

"I don't want to hit you," I unclench my hand, "So. leave. my. hand." I enunciate each word slowly, trying to maintain my self-control.

"What if I don't leave-" even before he can complete his sentence, his face turns towards the other side with the impact of the hit.

Bye-bye, twenty bucks!

My rule: Speak then smack.

And now I am done with speaking.

"You said you don't want to hit me?" he asks holding his face where my fist connected, looking at me with baffled eyes.

"I said I don't want to hit you," I shrug while removing my sling bag, "But I never said, I will not hit you," holding his neck I push him down and knee him in the groin.

"Bitch!" he groans and immediately falls on the ground. But that doesn't stop me from landing a hard kick in his gut.

"You don't know me, bitch," he holds his stomach and hisses at me, "You have no idea what I can do."

When such guys will come up with some original and new threats.

"I know, besides shitting in your pants, you can do nothing," I purse my lips and roll my eyes, "But you don't know what may happen with you," I shake my head slowly and bend down at his level.

"Maybe a car will accidentally run over you," I put my bag's strap around his neck, "Or maybe you will get suffocated and die," I sigh and lightly strangle him with the strap, "Or maybe your body parts will be thrown into different directions," I tighten my hold on him, making him slightly choke as he tries to free himself, "Because, you have no idea what I can do," my tone menacing and low.

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