After thoroughly studying a case I make its notes and email them to my colleague which will help him to get a better understanding of the case. Rechecking everything once again, I shut my laptop and make a pile of all the papers, then I clean the table.
I never knew I would take up law as a career because I was always indecisive about what I want to do in my life. Every day something new used to get my interest and when I used to share that with Pops he would just say if I feel like I can do this and this will make me happy, then I should just go for it.
He told me I can be whatever I want as long as I have confidence in myself. This is the same thing that I always try to teach Liam.
He will have my full support with whatever he wants to do in his life, just like my Pops supported me.
Currently, I am not taking any cases as I knew I won't be able to return to work soon as it is been a long time since I have been home.
This house is my home, every corner of this house holds memories of my Pops. This where I feel at peace...
I am still debating whether to settle back here or not. As now with Alec in Liam's life, a lot is about to change. I can't take away Liam with me, he has just found his father and I can't separate them.
Rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands, I fold my arms on the table and rest my head on them.
Sleep was foreign to me last night, as Alec's words keep on playing in my mind. He doesn't know that I have no more fight in me. I have surrendered myself at the hands of my fate. Because I have realized there is no use of fighting as I can't change anything in my life. So, I have stopped fighting for myself, now I just silently accept whatever comes my way.
I am just the shell of that girl who used to have the fire inside her, but now there is just silence inside me.
However, this doesn't mean that I have forgotten to take a stand in life. I may have given up to fight for myself, but when it comes to my family I will not back down.
In all these years, I have learned something that when you can't do something for yourself then do something for others who need your help. I may not change my life, but if I can do good for someone else than I will.
Being a lawyer also gives me this satisfaction that somewhere I am being there for those who need me.
Standing up from the chair, I stretch my body because I have been sitting for more than three hours and now my back is hurting from staying in one position for so long.
Walking into the kitchen, I check the pantry and make a list of the stuff that I need to buy as we are running out of groceries. And the growing kid living with me is hungry most of the time so filling up the pantry is on top of my list of work today.
Just when I have finished making the list, Liam walks down still half-sleep and crawls into my lap. Wrapping his arms around my neck, he rests his head on my shoulder just like he does every day when he wakes up.
For half-hour straight he will cling to me like a koala bear, while I continue with whatever I am doing. Kissing his head, I carry him back to the kitchen as I warm milk for him.
He got most of my habits, but then I know he is like Alec too. It amazes me the way he sometimes acts just like Alec.
Sometimes, I still think of Alec's words because somewhere what he said did come true.
I do have a part of him with me, always, even now when he is not with me.

Always Together✔️
RomanceHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)