"Who taught you to cook?" I watch him as he moves around the kitchen efficiently.
Since I only ask for a glass of milk and nothing else. So he decided to make for stir fry noodles because according to him milk doesn't qualify as a mid-night snack.
"Mom," he smiles, while he slices some bell pepper, "Cooking is something we do together, in her words it is our thing," he lightly chuckles.
"Whenever I miss her, I often end up cooking a three-course meal," he lightly sighs while putting sliced bell pepper in a plate.
"Do you need any help?" I ask, changing the conversation.
He thinks for a moment then shakes his head in no.
"Okay, good, I will cut the carrots," I shrug, ignoring him and take another knife from the knife holder.
"Woah, stop," he quickly drops his knife and pulls the knife away from my hand, "You and knife are a big no, I still remember the way you were cutting the apple that day."
"Don't worry, I will not imagine someone's face while cutting the carrots," I wink.
"No," he shakes his head sternly, and hand me a peeler, "You peel carrots, I will cut them."
"You imagine people's face when you cut things?" he arches an eyebrow and passes the carrots to me.
"Yeah, it is better than to cut them instead," I shrug and starts peeling carrots.
"You have serious anger issues, I guess," he chuckles making me narrow my eyes at him.
"How was your date?" he gives me a sideways glance and suddenly asks.
"It was amazing," I smile, "Pops said grandma will be so envious of him and will regret leaving us," I laugh. I never realized his posture was stiff, until now, as his shoulder slumps in a relaxed way.
"Where did your grandma go?" he asks, as he finished slicing carrots, keeping up the conversation.
"She died long back," I turn and slightly lean my back on the counter.
"I am sorry."
"So, you have gone on many dates?" he casually asks as he puts vegetables in a pan and stirs them.
"Are you interested in my dating life, Gregory?" I teasingly arch my eyebrow and cross my arms.
"No, I am just asking," he shrugs trying to sound casual.
"Well, since you are just asking," I smirk, "Then I will tell you. No, I have never gone on a date. Other than with Kristan and Pops."
"You never had a boyfriend?" he asks slightly surprised.
"Ah, now we are talking directly," I raise my eyebrows and slowly nod my head.
"Okay, don't tell," he looks irritated with my teasing and focuses on his cooking.
"No, I never dated anyone," Rolling my eyes, I say in a monotone.
"I don't know maybe I am looking for something which is beyond physical attraction," My gaze falls to the floor and a small laugh escapes my lips, "I don't want to rush into something which is meaningless, I want to experience something real... something true. Even if I have to wait all my life for it, I will wait," I play with my fingers.
He nods his head in understanding and gives me a small smile, then he gets back to his work.

Always Together✔️
Storie d'amoreHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)