Alec's POV
"Mom!" Liam rushes towards her at full speed like a madman.
"Oh, baby." She instantly lifts him up while he clings to her like a koala, wrapping his arms and legs around her, "I love you so much, bud."
"I love you more." He shakes her head while squishing her face between his hands, then he kisses her both cheeks making her smile.
"So, did you have fun with dad?" She asks settling him on her hip.
I have noticed how she uses the word Dad whenever she talks about me with Liam.
Each time she does this, each time my heart swells a little more with love.
Liam still doesn't call me dad, and neither she or I have asked Liam to address me as a dad. Because I want him to call me dad when he is ready to. But this doesn't stop her from subtly reminding him that I am his dad.
"Yes, he is so cool, but he doesn't know to warm milk." He praises me and complains about me in one sentence, "And he doesn't even know that he should blow on the milk before giving it to me."
She slowly turns her head to me as she arches an eyebrow.
"It is not like that..." I start explaining myself quickly but stop when I find a hint of an amused smile playing on her lips.
She yelps clutching Liam in her arms when Frisky's tail touches her leg.
"Look at you, you are so big now." Putting Liam down, she instantly pets Frisky within a moment or two she recognizes her.
How could she not recognize her favorite human?
"Mommy, she likes you." Liam looks excited when Frisky easily goes to Avery as she picks Frisky up.
"I am her favorite, of course, she likes me." She scratches her head then hugs her.
"No, I am her favorite." Liam frowns and shakes his head.
"Sorry, Liam, but you can't argue on this." She shrugs, looking at him, "I am her favorite, from the time when she was a tiny little furball and you didn't even exist."
"Tell her, I am Frisky's favorite." He pouts and tugs the corner of my shirt as I watch Avery taking Frisky out of the kitchen as she talks to her.
"Sorry, kiddo, mom is right." I bend down to his level, "Avery is Frisky's favorite human. So you are the second favorite human."
"I don't want to be a second." He makes a face.
"Hey, buddy, for me you are the first and will always be the first." I rub his back trying to console him as it looks like he is about to cry.
"I love you, Alec." He sniffles, "But I am never going to talk to mommy. She is bad."
"Hey, listen to me," I sternly say while forcing him to look at me, "You never talk about mom like this. You will always have to love and respect her, don't forget that, understand?"
"I am sorry." He says in a quiet tone while looking down.
"Apology accepted." I nod my head, "Now, come here and give me a hug."
Wrapping my arms around him, I hold his little body as he hugs me.
"You are not mad at me now?" He asks.
"I can never be mad at you." I kiss his head, "But I will always correct you and guide you when you will do any mistake. Because you are my son and it is my duty to teach you the right things."

Always Together✔️
RomanceHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)