Alec's POV
Sometime during the night, I feel like someone is crawling up on me, which instinctually forces me to open my eyes. My eyes glance down at Avery who is sleeping peacefully snuggled on my side, then my attention shift to small weight now lying on top of me turning my lips into a contented smile.
Wrapping my other arm around Liam's back who is settled on my chest, I place a kiss on his head. My nose tickles when his ruffled hair touches my nose, making me smooth his hair gently.
My heart feels so full just like my arms.
Honestly, this is not a comfortable way to sleep as I can hardly shift. But I will be damned if I want to sleep any other way, than this.
Turning my hand, I caress the side of Avery's face. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing when she frowns and cuddles more into my side nearly pushing Liam off of me.
Lightly pressing my lip to her forehead, I look at her face as my heart fills with warmth. Whenever I look at her I know from the bottom of my heart, that I would do anything for her. She means so much to me, even more than I could have imagined.
I need her in my life, more than I need my next breath. Because I truly want to live my life, not just pass days and wait for my breath to stop. And without her, my life is nothing. She is my life... being with her means truly living.
And I can give away anything to get a chance to spend one moment with her. And here I want to spend the rest of my life with her. So even I don't know to what extent I could go to fulfill my wish.
Avery says she doesn't love me, but I know her better. However, when I have said that my love will be enough, I wasn't lying. I will love her even if she doesn't love me back, just her being in my life is more than enough for me.
A small whine comes from Liam, as he opens his sleep-filled eyes while scratching his head. Raising his head from my chest, he glances at me then sleepy grin forms on his face.
Before I can ask him what happened, he kisses my chin, and then just like that he goes back to sleep. Leaving a big smile on my face.
I love this whiny little guy.
Holding both of them a little more tightly, I welcome blissful sleep with a huge smile on my face.
When I wake for the second time, my heart goes into a panic feeling disoriented of my surroundings, as I find myself alone in the room, thinking everything was just a dream of mine. But a sigh of relief passes when the haze clears as I realize I am still in Avery's room.
Thankfully, the last night was definitely not a dream.
Twisting my body, I glance at the clock to find it is half-past ten. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise as I don't even realize I have been sleeping this long as normally I am up till six in the morning.
Maybe Avery's threat really scared me.
I silently chuckle as I get out of the bed. Walking into the bathroom, I freshen up and use the spare toothbrush which Avery has left on the bathroom counter. After taking a quick shower I change back into last night's clothes as I don't have anything else to wear.
I just want Liam and Avery to move in with me, so we all can live in our home together. However, I don't want to push Avery as I can see she is trying which is more than I can ever ask for.
After making up the bed, I step outside the room to find Avery on a video call with someone while Liam is busy in making some kind of structure with legos.
There is annoyance on Avery's face but I can see she is attempting to maintain her calm because of Liam.
However, when she glances at me her lips tilt in a faint genuine smile as she nods her head in the kitchen's direction. She lightly taps the earbud with her finger letting me know she is on call.

Always Together✔️
Roman d'amourHe loves her with every fiber of his being, but even then he leaves her brokenhearted... Her heart no longer beats for him, yet she can't see him broken... They may have separated their paths, but still, they will be Always Together... (Unedited)