Chapter: 71

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"It means no worries...
For the rest of your days...
It's our problem-free philosophy...
Hakuna Matata..."

I sing and watch Lion King while shaking my foot with the music as I comfortably lie on the couch, my feet crossed at the ankles.

Alec makes his way to the couch, picking up my feet he occupies that spot then places my feet in his lap.

"Let's get married," Abruptly he turns to me.

My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as I sit up nearly falling off from the couch.

"What?" I look at him in utter disbelief, "Like, right... now?" I stutter.

"Of course, not." He shrugs while the smile which is currently on his lips is something alarming.

Slightly raising his right hand he brings it in front of him.

"No, not right now, but in four hours." He keeps his eyes on his wristwatch while dropping the bomb on me. Just like that.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I kick him with my foot, but much to my dismay he quickly grips both on my feet in his hands.

"I am not going anywhere." Crossing my arms, I lie down again pressing my entire weight down on the couch. "I am too tired to go anywhere, and this is not happening."

I am trying to be calm but honestly, I am panicking from inside.

"Hakuna Matata," He says and placing his one hand under my knees and other behind my shoulders he picks me up.

"You don't have to go anywhere, I will take you myself." He smirks while swallowing I try to get down.

"Alec, I have said I will marry you, but what's the hurry?" My heart racing against my ribcage as we walk outside the house.

"No, you nearly gave me a heart attack by rejecting my proposal just after a few minutes when you have said yes because I forgot about a damn ring." Raising his eyebrows he glances down at me, "So, no, I can't trust your mood because it changes faster than the blink of an eye."

"You are rushing to marry me because you think I am going to change my mind?" I weakly attempt to laugh but turn quiet when I see insecurity in his eyes which he is trying so hard to hide.

Why is he insecure?

"Please, don't fight me over this." He brings me closer to him as someone opens the passenger door for us, I notice this is not the car in which we have come here.

This is a black sedan with tinted windows and there are two other similar looking cars parked with it.

He carefully gets inside the car while still carrying me, however, my mind is going in a thousand different directions.

And for the first time in many years, I would admit that I am truly scared.

My heart is racing crazily and it would not be a surprise if I start hyperventilating at any moment.

I don't even know why I am feeling scared... I love him and trust him. I know I would not want anyone in my life other than him, then why am I feeling like this?

Maybe because it is happening too fast or maybe I am afraid that it all will turn out to be a dream.

"I am scared." I swallow and admit to him as I feel his entire body going tense as soon as these words leave my mouth.

"Scared?" He asks, his words laced with hurt, "Of me?"

"No, not you." I shake my head, rolling my lips inside my mouth, as my hands feel clammy, "But this, it is too fast."

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