Chapter: 120

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Something has definitely changed between us. The heaviness which used to be around us is not there anymore. Like the thick dark clouds have scattered letting bright sunlight consume the darkness in which we were living.

All because now there are no secrets between us. Isn't it strange, how the weight of keeping secrets from each other crushes your soul with an unknown burden? You can only realize the amount of burden which you were carrying around when it lifts off your chest.

I have said this before, I am saying this again. I will not allow myself to be vulnerable again, but this doesn't mean I am going to push him away.

Life never gives you second chances, and when it does you should not just throw it away because of your past or fears. However, you should avoid repeating the mistakes which you have done in the past and make the best out of your present.

That is what I have planned to do.

"So?" I raise an eyebrow at Alec when he returns from Liam's room after talking with Liam.

Alec wanted to talk to Liam by himself, so I gave them privacy. He said he needed to earn Liam's trust as well, and he needed to assure him that he will always come first for us.

"He surprises me, Avery." He raises his eyebrows as he comes and sits beside me on the patio, "He is an amazing child." He whispers while running his hand over his face.

"You mean everything to him." He looks at me while his eyes hold awe.

"He loves you so much, Avery, and I can't explain my feelings when I watch his eyes shine with love for you." He blinks looking upward, "When I asked him if he is okay if we all live together, he said he doesn't have any problem if you are okay with it. If you are happy with us living together then even he wants us to live together because he loves making you happy."

"He is so young, but his intelligence amazes me." He shakes his head, while his tone is filled with pride. "I just felt like I am talking to an adult, not a child."

"He straight away told me on my face that he loves me, but he loves you more." He softly chuckles as I hastily wipe my tear which unintentionally slips from my eye, "And he even threatened me that he will never talk to me if I ever make you sad."

Shaking my head, I lightly laugh as I wipe some more tears with my fingers.

"He is your son what else did you expect from him?" I sigh giving him a small smile, "Just like his dad, he tries to look after me in whatever way he can. He is just like you, Alec, he always put the happiness of people he loves before his. He might be too small to understand the difficult emotions, but his small heart knows how to love immensely."

"Thank you... for giving me such an amazing child." He holds my hand between his hands, "Even though I don't deserve him-"

"Quiet." Placing my finger on his lips I silence him, "Stop saying that you don't deserve him because it is not true. You deserve happiness, you deserve to live your life, you deserve to be loved, you deserve to be a part of your son's life."

"But you have to make peace with the fact that Liam will always love me more than you and I am his favorite person," I give him a smug expression, "You don't even stand a chance against me."

He laughs and wraps his around my waist while I rest my head against his shoulder.

"Finally, I can feel everything is turning around for better," he whispers.

"Everything will always be fine as long as we are together," I reply in an equally quiet tone, "We don't need to look for reasons to be happy, because if we are together then we can create our own happiness."

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