Chapter 2

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Been busy with school but I have a long weekend so I will keep updating :)
and yes I did draw that ;)

You didn't want to get on Murdoc's bad side as you were afraid as to what he would do but you desperately wanted to escape this dreadful place.

You heard the door click as you sat at the end of your tidy bed facing the dirty wall , you were scared to look behind you .
" get up , we have work ." He pulled your arm and led you out , you just nodded and stared down the corridor in front of you . You stared at the door next to you where your 'friend' who you talked to last night was . You looked back to Murdoc you saw him quickly turn his head infront of him . You kept examining his face but you didn't know why , you guessed it was something to focus on ?

He lead you to an elevator, you held your breath it smelt like literal trash . You looked behind you out a window but he tugged at your arm to turn you back around .
"Hmph." You complained as he stared at you with harsh eyes .
" complain and you'll be back in that shitty room luv ." You stared at the floor as you both stepped out of the elevator and into a recording studio , as you looked up you saw the boy from the room next to you he smiled as you did to him .

Murdoc chucked you lyrics and told you to sing a harmony to a song and how he wanted you to sing it .
" that's electric ." You sang as the rest of the song played in the headphones on your head. He slammed the desk and shouted at you to sing it again until you got it right .
" you finally corrected your shit singing Jesus ." He groaned as he loaded the song file onto his laptop .
" not as shit as yew havin a crush on the girl yew kidnapped ey'" he laughed at his joke but didn't for long as murdoc launched at set of headphones at him . You were sick of this so you walked out and tried to find your way to the kitchen , when you reached there you searched the cupboards for something to eat . Grabbing 3 cups of noodles and 3 beers you made everyone food to stay on their good side for now at least.

(Murdoc POV)

" YOU DUMB PRICK HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW?" I could have killed him fucking faceache telling people my bloody secrets .
" yew told me last night when you were drunk , I'm sorry." I grabbed the laptop and slammed the door behind me making my way to the kitchen for a beer.

Y/n was already in there and had made noodles for everyone and got cans of beer with them so I took it and sat at the table opposite her. I tried not to look at her I still felt bloody embarrassed .

( y/n POV )

When murdoc walked in the room it reminded me of what 2D said about him liking me which made me laugh sarcastically under my breath a bit . He sat down infront of me with his noodles but he seemed quite awkward .
" you don't talk to that bastard anymore luv . Or ya' will be in trouble , got it ?" His words scared me as I took a small sip and nodded to him , 2D was ok company for when Murdoc was a dick . But now I've got nobody .

I stood up to leave the table and go back to my room but he grabbed me by my arm and I hissed in pain as he grabbed my wound .
"Shit sorry ..." he mumbled under his breath as he lead my down the hallway to what looked like his room.
" your staying here now , so don't argue . Go get a shower and be ready to record again in an hour ." He slammed the door behind him locking it so i couldn't escape

I looked around there was a king sized bed with black sheets and black painted wood which matched the black wardrobe, walls and carpet . I could just about make out posters for Metallica and Black Sabbath on the walls which reminded me of my mother , she loved their songs and I just want to see her again as I missed her so much . I began to cry thinking of my brother and my parents I missed them so much .
" you alright in there luv her you crying ?" Murdoc's raspy voice called from outside the door .
" FUCK OFF!" I screamed as I ran to the bathroom in his room and slammed the door as hard as I could and locked it . He banged on the bathroom door obviously he was angry .
" DONT FUCKING SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT ! AFTER ALL IVE DONE FOR YOU ." I couldn't be all nice to him after he had said that , he kidnapped me ! The only thing he has done for me is make me scared , sad and lonely .
" you haven't don't shit for me , you kidnapped me and took me away from my life you creep ." I said with a slightly louder voice , as I said that he forced open the door , breaking the lock , he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt I could smell alcohol on his breath . suddenly all I could feel was a pain in my head as he punched me . I fell to the floor with a scream and cried as I curled up holding my head .

" leave 'er alone !" I heard 2D scream before I passed out .

I woke up to murdoc rocking me back and forth I'm his arms mumbling to me and messing with my hair .
" I'm sorry please be ok , I'm really sorry luv ." I didn't have the energy to get up so I just lay there and snuggled into him , I really missed hugs from my family and even if this guy was a dickhead there's got to be some nice in him right ? I could feel my face burn up I tried to stop , I couldn't like this prick he kidnapped me . I sat up and hugged him as he sat in shock and quickly hugged me .
" I'm sorry luv , I didn't mean to I was drunk and -" I cut him off by pressing my finger against his lips and hugging him , his hugs reminded me of my crush back home but murdoc seemed slightly better ...

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