Chapter 6

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" fuck me ." I mumbled as I held my arm in pain as I woke up on the couch half naked.
" happily ." I sat up to see murdoc sitting against the couch .
" holy shit what are you still doing here. ?"I gasped as I stared down at him pulling my Hoodie on from the back of the sofa .
" I don't know really ." I checked my phone and had a miss call from my boyfriend I cursed under my breath and text him that I will meet him in half an hour . He was a bouncer at the club I work at and we were supposed to be going out for a drink today .
" I've got shit to do get up and get out !" I walked up stairs and began to dress into some fresh clothes and apply makeup , I began to feel guilty for being with murdoc instead of my boyfriend but I feel bad for murdoc .
I don't what the fuck am I saying .
I grabbed my phone and some cash and walked down stairs looking round to see him gone at least I thought . I walked out and headed to the bar down the road .

I walked in and saw my boyfriend at a booth I waved to him and smiled as I skipped over but he looked angry and sad .
" hey my lovely ! " I smiled and sat down next to him , he pushed me away and glared .
" you cheating slag fuck off !" I stared at him in disbelief , how would he know Murdoc's been round .
" I see you go back with a new guy every night and I'm done with it you ,whore !" I sat there and faced the floor as he stormed off , I ordered a large pint and drank whilst I cried feeling sorry for myself and hating myself at the same time

3 hours into drinking I was crying to the bartender who just stood there and stared at me as I broke down , today I was the sad drunk .i eventually got kicked out for called the barmaid a dirty slag who is on benefits .i walked around the streets skipping around whiskey bottle in hand .

I burst into the club I worked in and ran to the stage and found my friend and began dancing randomly and shouted into the mics
" hey queens I'm doing shit now are you? yayyyyyyyyyyy! Sheeeees my collarrrr !" I sang along to the song playing I think it was gorillaz ...I felt a hand drag me from the stage and in a corner behind a post .
" you alright there luv ." Murdoc stared at me and tilted his head as his nails dug into my wrist .
" youuuu man slaggg haaa ." I kissed him and felt up and down his shirt , he laughed in a raspy tone and gently gripped my hand .
" cmon love , let's get ya home ey?" I stumbled down the streets with him until we reached my house , I dragged him to the sofa and kissed him . What the fuck am I doing ?
I groaned and reached for the tv remote turning on the music channels and singing along to some songs . As Queen came on I screamed the lyrics and fell off the chair gripping onto an almost empty beer bottle .
" watch yourself there luv , wouldn't want to hurt a pretty face like that ey ?"
"Shat ap old man. !" I giggled and glared back at him harshly seeing something in his eyes .
Without thought we began to kiss as I lay until of him running my fingers through his hair , I had so much love yet so much hate for this man .

I woke Up in my bed with his shirt on , as I sat up I held my head in pain as I searched through my drawers for pills to ease my headache . As I swallowed he last pill I stood up , my legs shaky . As I walked down the stairs I read a message from my best friend asking if I wanted to come over to hers today and I could bring someone if I wanted . I hummed as to agree and decided I would reply later .as I made my way down the stairs I saw murdoc half falling off of the sofa as he lightly snores. I tiptoed down and grabbed a blanket pulling him back onto the sofa and laying it on top of him , I stood there for a moment wondering why I had offered all this live and help for the man who ruined my life in the first place . I hesitated and walked back up the stairs to reply to my friend and get dressed to go to hers .

I put on a yellow vans hoodie with matching black vans shoes and packed a small backpack with money and a charger just Incase , I put on some makeup quickly and rummaged through my wardrobe for clothes for Murdoc. I picked out the shirt I took from plastic beach and some black baggy jeans , I have no idea how I acquired these . I grabbed my bag and phone and walked down the stairs to see murdoc making himself a drink .
" morning mudzy." I chirped as I walked over to him and smiled handing him the folded clothes .
" we are going to my friends today if that's ok , so here's some fresh clothes ." He took them and smiled .
" surprised you kept this shirt luv , must have kept it to remember mudzy aye ~" he nudged me and walked off to change .

As I walked out the door and down the street to my friends house murdoc decided to hold my hand , At first I hated him for doing this but for some odd reason it was quite comforting .
As I knocked on the door it swiftly opened , my friends eyes lit up as she was intrigued by murdoc , I shook it off as we walked in . Another one of my friends, Maya , sat there . I introduced murdoc and went off with maya to the kitchen to make everyone drinks and just catch up . We began to talk about our backgrounds and I explained the plastic beach incident , she was a bit concerned about me being around him as he did ruin my life . She promised she would always be there for me ... after an hour of talking I decided to go checkup on murdoc as I felt I had dumped him on my best friend .

I looked around and couldn't see them , my legs went shaky as I turned around to maya and Simply said .
" they have gone."

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