Chapter 3

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I'm really getting into writing this again so I'm gonna update more if I can . This demon days drawing took to long but it was worth it ✌️

I woke up laying alone in Murdoc's bed , the door slightly open leaving a crack of light to shine through onto the black bed sheets . I then  got up and walked out of the door towards the elevator quickly and pressed a button for the ground floor . I ran for the exit and as I stood out side my legs began to shake , the fresh air made me feel stronger but the fear of what I had done set in .i carried on determined to get off this hell hole , I found a speed boat with a flare and pistol on it . It took me a while to start it up but once I got it on it was fine , speeding along the dark seas until I felt a strong breeze behind me ..

I looked up to see a helicopter over me with what I could make out was a girl and murdoc sitting in it chasing after me , but before I could think bullets hit the boat . Quickly , I grabbed the pistol and shot the glass of the helicopter to distract them but it didn't as it kept shooting . I dived into the icy waters and swam for as long as I could underwater until I needed air . As I did so I felt a bullet hit my already wounded arm from the last time I had been shot , i began sank slowly as I struggled from the pain trying to keep swimming away from them .

I woke up yet again in a different setting , an even darker room yet no furniture in sight and I was secured to a chair . As I struggled I hissed in pain at my arm which was yet again wounded , I fell silent as I saw murdoc approach me .
" bad stunt you pulled there luv , I was just starting to like you really ." He laughed as he grabbed my face and inches closer to it .
" I know you hate this place , but you will stay here for me right ? I'm so lonely ." He pressed his lips against yours  , it was so nice yet he was so mean . He pushed my face away and walked off .
" behave for daddy from now on and you'll be out soon luv ." You cringed yet admired his lustful and hateful words .

I sat there for what seemed like years examining my surroundings and my arm with the little movement I had . It stung but had been bandaged so that helped . I began to sing quietly to myself becoming more bored , making up songs to myself seemed more fun than singing so I decided to do that .
"Oh joy's arise The sun has come again to hold you" I sang it to myself many times until I was happy with it and continued onto the next lines .
"Sailing out the doldrums of the whole week" I tried to perfect the tune but suddenly jumped as murdoc appeared in-front of me again .
" you have such a lovely voice luv ." His raspy voice purred in my ear sending shivers down my spine .
" ok ? Thanks I guess.." I faced the floor but he suddenly grabbed my face again forcing me to look at him .
" manners please , from now on you call me daddy you slag ." Jeez his tone changed abruptly when he wanted it to . And if he thought I was going to call him that he must be joking .
" ok then ."
" what's my name luv ?" He whispered in my ear making me flinch , fuck why is he like this seductive and a huge dickhead .
" fine .. daddy ugh ." I cringed at the words which came out my mouth as my face began to go red again , is sounded so weird saying that .
He placed a hand on my thigh and kissed me again as he slipped his tongue into my mouth , I kissed back in the moment. Shit . I pulled away and looked down in embarrassment.
" piss off .." I mumbled , I wanted him to leave as I had began to develop slight feelings ugh .he grabbed my hair and pushed me back .
" what did I say about manners ay? You'll be here for another day slag ." He let go and walked off , I sat there and thought about what had just happened . He manages to go from kinda kind to a massive prick but I like it , but I shouldn't this prick bloody kidnapped me ...

I tried to keep my mind off of it by carrying on with the song I had been memorising to myself .
"The polyphonic prairies here, it's all around yo-" I began to cry arguing with my feelings for him , thinking about my family , my arm and how lonely I was ..

" Murdoc I mean ... daddy  ?" I called out towards the direction he left , a few minutes later I heard his voice call to me .
" what the bloody hell do yawn want ?"
"From where he was calling I guessed I was under the other floors like some kind of basement .
" I-I'm lonely .." I said in a more quiet tone , I heard his heels click across the floor as he approached me , he placed a hand on my thigh again but I shook my head and rested my head on his shoulder , the comfort made me yet again drift off to sleep on him .

I felt a sharp pain on my cheek as I jolted awake , murdoc has slapped me to wake me .
He finally let me off the chair cutting the cable ties from my legs and hands .
" up now , follow me we have shit to do ." I lazily stood up my legs shaking as I fell onto his back , he just grabbed my wrist and dragged me along out of the basement where I had been kept and back to the recording studio .

" now , that song you were singing . I'm guessing you made it the amount of bloody times you corrected it ." He pushed me into the door of the booth and smiled at me with an evil smile .

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