Removal, and Baby Names

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*Dick's POV*

To be completely honest, when Joker found Jamie, I didn't really think about how he would've found her.. But I do remember hearing something before about how people put things in peoples necks to know their every movement and.. I think she has one.. So I'm going to ask her about it, and hopefully I can get it removed. I went into our room and I saw her looking at our picture of our little baby, I just watched her for a few minutes, I've never seen anyone that was insane be so excited about something so special like this. Or even In Jamie's case, I can't believe she chose me, over her family. It's very.. Interesting. But that makes her strong I guess right? I don't know. I just kept watching her and she put the picture down and looked back at me and smiled. I walked over to her. "Hey beautiful." I said and kissed her lips. "Hi handsome." She said back with a smile. "Jamie, how did your dad find you?" I asked her with a concerned look on my face. She looked worried "I didn't contact him I swear!" She looked so scared, and so worried. "I know honey, I know. But I mean, is there something I don't know about? You know that could've tracked him here to you?" I held her hand "It's ok, you can tell me. I can fix it." I said and held onto her hand. "When I was a baby, My Dad put a chip in my neck, He did that for Brook and Jr as well." I sighed. "Honey, we have to get it out of you." Jamie nodded and said "I know." I looked down. "and.. It might be painful.." I said. I don't want her to be in pain. "I've been beat, thrown down stairs, starved almost to death, raped, and almost killed, plenty of times. I'm sure I can make through a quick tracker removal." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but all I knew to do was to hug her tight. "You'll be ok." I said. She looked at me smiling. "No, You'll be fine." She said and i got nervous. "I just don't want to hurt you, or the baby." I said. "It'll be quick. My dad does it a lot to his goons before he kills them." The room was silent for a while. "Oh." I said. Jamie nodded. "So you'll be fine. It's easy." I didn't know what I would've used, or anything to get it out. And I didn't want to talk to Bruce, so there was one last option. "I'll be back ok?" I said to Jamie, she smiled and nodded. I walked out of the room and I called Barbara. "Hello?" I heard her say I cleared my throat. "Hey Babs, It's Dick." I said "Oh Hi Dick. Haven't talked to you in a while." I heard her say. "Yeah.. Um, hey, Do you know how to remove a tracker from someone's neck?" I asked. and I heard her keyboard type so I figured she was looking up how to do it. "Ok first, who is this for?" She asked "Why?" I asked her. "Well, If It's for The Jokers daughter, I would recommend knocking her out first." I sighed "Just tell me how to do it!" Babs sighed, and I heard more typing. "Ok here's what you gotta do." She gave me all the steps on how to remove the tracker. "Thank you." I said and I heard her sigh "No problem Dick." I knew she seemed upset but I wasn't going to ask about it. "Ok, well bye." I said "Bye." She said back and hung up on me. I walked into the supply closet and took some stuff out of it and walked into Jamie and I's bedroom. "Jamie, do you want to be asleep during this? Or awake?" I asked her. "Asleep. I wouldn't want to hurt you if it hurts a lot." She said to me. "Ok." I grabbed a needle that had medicine in it. "This will keep you asleep for a while ok." I told her and she nodded. I put the injection in her arm and watched her fall asleep, and I started to take the tracker out.

*Jamie's POV*

One minute I'm talking to Dick, the next I'm.. here. Wherever here is. I looked around and I saw a bunch of doctors. I turned to my right and saw Dick holding a baby girl. He looked at me and smiled. "Morning mama. Look at this precious little girl." I heard Dick say, and he walked up to me with a baby. She had to be the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen in my life. "Beautiful." Is all I could say. There were no words I could think but that to describe this perfect little human. "What's her name?" Dick asked me and I smiled looking at her. "Isabella. Isabella Renee Grayson." I saw a smile form on her face when I said that and Dick handed her to me for me to hold her.

"I'm done." I heard him say. "Princess I'm done." I heard him say. "Jamie wake up!" I awoke and slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. "Isabella." I said. "What?" He asked me. "If It's a girl I want to name her Isabella." I said. He smiled at me.  "You know, I've always wanted to name my daughter Isabella." I looked at him shocked "Really?" I asked still really shocked. "Yeah. Where did you come up with that name?" I shrugged. "In my dream I guess. I had a dream that we had a daughter, and we named her Isabella." Dick smiled and kissed me. "That would be beautiful." I smiled and felt my neck remembering what was going on. "It's gone. I got it out. Your dad will never be able to find you again. And to make sure of that, you and I are moving. Away from Gotham." I was kinda confused. "Where?" I asked him. "Bludhaven." I had heard of it before. Sounds interesting. "When are we moving?" I asked him. "We are moving after the baby's born." Dick told me. "Ok, good." I said and I kissed him. "So, Isabella if it's a girl huh?" He asked I nodded "Yup." He smiled "Ok, and what if it's a boy?" He then asked "Rhydian." I said smiling. "Beautiful names Jamie." Dick said "Thanks babe." I said and kissed him.

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