Exciting and Unexpected News

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Jamie's POV

It had been a long time since Dick and I had our miscarriage, we haven't really had a big sex life since then.

But tonight, I want to make it a romantic evening, 

And I want to try again.

So I went to the store,

I bought some yummy food,

And I even bought myself a new outfit.

And I was in the candle section to find a scented candle to have to make it even more romantic.

And after that I went home, 

hid the stuff, and went on with my day.

Then that night I prepared everything, 

And just waited for him to come home.

Dicks POV

I had a hard day at work, so when I got home I was just going to take a nap.

I stepped into the house,

It was dark.

But I noticed in the kitchen, there was a candle lit.

I went to check it out, and I saw Jamie there, smiling at me.

I couldn't help to smile right back.

"Welcome home Daddy." 

She said to me

I was shocked, 

She hasn't called me Daddy in a long time.

I wonder what was up.

"What's all this?" I asked her looking around at the food, and the candle, and the smell of the candle.

"Just a little romantic night for us, since we haven't really had one in a long time." She said getting closer to me, and she kissed me, and rubbed my shoulders. "I love you" She said to me.

"I love you." I said back.

She kissed me again and ran back to the other side of the table and sat down.

She looked so beautiful.

Jamie's POV

It had been a couple moments before I decided to make the request.

"Dick, we need to talk." I said he just gave me a funny look.

"About what?" He asked me next.

I took a deep breath, and popped the question

"I want to have sex, with you, again."

Dick sighed

"I know we haven't for a long time but, I think I'm ready. If you are as well."

Dick stood from his chair and walked over to me and behind me.

He kissed my neck, 

I let out a few moans,

And next thing you know.

We made love in the kitchen.

A month came by that I missed my period, I didn't think anything of it.

Then, one day after I had made breakfast, I got sick to my stomach, and I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Questions started going through my head until..

I decided to buy a pregnancy test.

And I was gonna wait for Dick to come home but, I just couldn't wait.

So I took the test, and It was positive.

I was in tears.

I hugged Ella.

That night when Dick came home I greeted him

And I was holding the test behind my back.

"What's that you have there?" He asked me.

I smiled widely, and showed him the test, he looked like he was going to cry.

He kissed me, he seemed so excited

As was I.

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