The New Member of The Family

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*Dicks POV

It had been three months since Jamie's miscarriage, I had been doing a lot of shopping and getting out of the house whenever I know she needs her space.

But today was different.

While I was out, I saw this person with a litter of puppies, and I saw one tiny cute one that was just perfect for Jamie and I.

I got out of the car and walked up to the person and they smiled at me.

"You want a puppy sir?" The person asked me.

"Yes." I said and pointed to the little puppy I had seen.

"I Want her."

The person smiled. "$50.00 please."

I gave the person the money, they told me all about this sweet little girl, and I took her home.

When we got home Jamie was still napping and the puppy ran to our bed and started kissing her face. Jamie woke up. I was scared she'd be mad but.. She just giggled and looked over at the puppy and smiled.

I hadn't seen her smile in a long time, it made me smile.

"Is she ours?" Jamie asked me seeming so happy.

I went to sit by her and petted the little puppy.

"Yep, she's ours."

Jamie made a cute little squeal and I just laughed a little.

"What's her name?" Jamie asked me next.

"You name her." I told Jamie still smiling.

"Isabella!" She said excitedly.

I kissed her cheek. "That's perfect."

Isabella it is, our cute little puppy.

*A couple months passed

Jamie's POV

It has been a couple months with this beautiful puppy, I love her with all of my heart! I don't think I've ever been this happy since Dick and I got married.

It feels great to be happy again.

Ella is my whole world!

I don't know what I'd do without her or Dick. 

They both keep me going.

It's our perfect little family.

I never had a family like this before,

I don't need to kill anyone just to survive,

I don't need to be my mom's punching bag.

Yes my mother always abused me.. My dad did too, but it was mostly my mother who would abuse me.

Mostly it was because I guess my dad payed more attention to me than her.

But it wasn't just me!

It was my brother and sister too but she never hurt them!

I don't get it.

And my brother would sexually harassed me.. He never raped me, but he would always touch me inappropriately ...

And my sister.. Well she was a total mommy's girl.. It was the worst..

So yeah.. I didn't have a great life for a very long time..

Then I met Dick and.. Everything changed.. For the best.

He helped me turn my life around, he showed me true love, he showed me how to be.. Well..

Normal.. And Happy. It was just so amazing, I'm so glad I met him.

He's like my guardian angel that I had needed since I was born.

For months Dick, Ella and I have had so many memories, and have had such a lovely life so far with our little family. It has been just Perfect.

Dicks POV

I'd have to say I've never seen anyone who has the past like hers to be where she is now.



And just all out an amazing human being.

I'm so happy to have this chance to be with someone as wonderful as her, even though we both used to hate each other. 

I just couldn't imagine a life without her.

Or our little Ella.

They're both just.. Perfect.

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