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*Jamie's POV*

I had been bleeding for a couple days, the doctor said it's probably just some spotting, but I also have had really bad stomach cramps.. But I guess it shouldn't be a big deal right?

Dick went out to get us some chicken noodle soup to help a little. 

I've been throwing up all morning..

I hope nothing's wrong with our baby..

Dick is so excited to become a father but.. Who knows now..

He tells me to think positive but that's kinda hard to do ya know?

I just hope everyone's right, maybe it is just nothing right? Right.

I started getting tired and on my way to Dick and I's room I fell to the ground..

I must've blacked out as well..

Was this it?

Was I losing our baby?

*Dicks POV

I had just came home from the store and I saw Jamie lying on the ground.

I dropped everything and ran at her side quickly, with tears running down my face worried, and scared half to death.

I called out her name repeatedly but no response.

I rushed us both to the car and I drove us to the hospital.

There were a few nurses and a doctor that quickly put her on a bed and rolled her down to a room.

They didn't let me go with them.

I just sat on a chair in the waiting room almost close to having a panic attack.

Until a nurse came up to me with a cup p of water. 

"Here, you look like you need this." The nurse said, I took the cup. "Thank You." I took a sip of the water. 

"You ok?" The nurse asked me. I shook my head no. She just hugged me and sat down next to me.

"My wife just went in.. She's pregnant.. I think she might be having a miscarriage." I tried my hardest to not cry but it was really difficult. She could tell I was heartbroken. There was no way around it.. She just gave a little smile and hugged me "I'll keep her in my prayers." She whispered to me and she just walked away to an old guy in a wheelchair and comforted him. I couldn't help but to smile at such genuine actions. The actions I hope to teach Jamie, and the actions we will teach our little one. If that little one is anything like Jamie I know it'll make it because it's a fighter. Jamie wouldn't give up on this baby, and neither will I. 

An hour passes and the doctor comes out and walks up to me with a sad look on his face.

"We tried everything we could.. She lost her baby.. I'm terribly sorry sir." My heart felt like someone just stabbed right through it, but I tried pushing over it.

"Can I see her?"

The doctor looked at me confused,

"Who the baby, or Jamie?"

He asked me, his words made it hurt worse.

Did he just say our baby was a girl?...

"I.. Didn't know it was a girl.. But I would love to see Jamie.."

The doctor looked down in shame "I am terribly sorry sir.. I shouldn't have said anything. I'll take you down to see her." The doctor took me to Jamies room where she was just sleeping.

She looks so peaceful.. I don't know what to say when she wakes up..

I just sat down next to her bedside and held her hand.

I started telling her stories about my childhood, and how I wanted a little girl so bad, and just plenty more. Even though she couldn't hear a thing I told her.

Before I knew it I fell asleep right next to her.

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