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Jelene's POV

No one can describe how am I feelin right now. Im feelin so weak, so down, broken , and most of all pained. Feels like no one can ever ever get me up again except for the person who made me like this. He cause it, so hes the one who can heal it.

But how? He'll be happy seeing me as miserable as hell. Its my first day of being his wife but it feels like I already suffer for so long, so long enough to let him go.

But no, never. I will never ever let him go, not now, not tomorrow, never.

Even if I already lost my appetite to eat, I still eat my breakfast. Because I have to. Hindi na lang ang sarili ko ang binubuhay ko ngayon, theres a growing life inside me now. And no matter how hard it takes, I need to take good care of my baby for he /she is innocent.

He/she dont have to suffer. And by hook or by crook, it will have a complete family that he/she deserve.

After eating breakfast I decided to call Elric my one and only bestfriend. I just want someone to talk to kill this boredom growing in me.

After three rings he pick up the phone.

"Hello honey, as much as I want to talk to you right now is also as much as I have to end this call. Im really sorry hon I'm in the middle of a serious meeting right now and I have to pay atten---"

"Its fine honey, just call me after that okay?" I cut him off in his sentence cause I know he will never end saying sorry.

"okay honey bye" he ended up the call

Base on what he act I know the meeting hes involve with is very important. Well to tell you something about Elric, all I can say is that he's a very nice guy.

He is every woman's ideal type of guy, with his caring, and loving attitude girls immediately drool over him. Not to mention his perfect looks and perfect fashion senses. He also has a very long patience. Girls really dream of him, but not me.

Maybe because I just see him as a good friend of mine. A perfect person whom I can trust the most including my family. Or maybe because I'm already in love with Ace.

I dont know, its just that I can only see Elric as a good bestfriend for now and in the future.

Because I dont want to kill my self from boredom I decided to watch a movie, and sadly the only disc that is available here is Titanic. Seriously? I already watch it several times, but I dont have any choice at all.

Having no choice I put the disc on the disc player and play it on.
After few minutes of watching, I feel sleepy maybe pregnancy hormones.

I wake up because hunger strikes me, I want to eat something sour. I immediately go to the kitchen to find something to eat but its out of stock, so I decided to go to the market. I have my money of course they are from my savings ever since the day my mom tought me to save money and if I wasnt mistaken I was 4 years old by that time.

I was strolling down the market when I saw an unripe mangoes, my saliva immediately fall from my mouth from the moment. My mouth waters as if I've seen the most delicious food ever existed.

After buying groceries I decided to go to the park near the entrance of the mall, that how I wish I never did. I only see my husband happily eating ice cream with France, and take note they were sharing the same ice cream.

They look like a perfect couple, no one will ever know that Ace is married man and will going to have a child any months from now.

Looking At him right now makes me wanna grab him and own him. But hes not mine at the first place so I dont have any right to do so. And the only thing i can do is to cry my pain...

A Wifes Cry of Intimate  PainWhere stories live. Discover now