Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Jelene's POV

"But seems like destiny is working for us Jelene." I sarcasticaly laugh.

"Naman Ace di na ako teenager na maniniwala pa sa destiny destiny na yan, grow up Ace hindi na tayo mga bata. Let's just face the reality that no matter what there will be no more happy ending for the both of us."

"If you will just listen maybe you would understand." A bitter smile formed on my lips when he say those words.

"Understand? Matagal ko nang naiintindihan Ace na wala na talagang tayo, you are just waisting your time."

"I just love you Jelene, kaya kahit magsayang pa ako ng oras at laway gusto kong paulit ulit na ipa intindi sayo ang lahat."

"Love? You love me?" My tears started to fall but I keep laughing bitterly, para na akong baliw na umiiyak pero tumatawa.

"Ji-no-joke time mo ba ako Ace, hahaha nakakatawa." I remove his hands that is holding my wrist.

"Kung noon yan Ace baka naniwala pa ako, pero ngayon? Imposible, nunkang maniwala pa ako sa pinagsasasabi mo Ace. I am not the girl who used to love you so much anymore, Ace. I am not the girl you love, if you want to move on don't use me. Move on by yourself."

"I left you before because she was so sick, I want to stay but I want to save her too. I left you alam ko naman kasing maraming tutulong sayo, I know how much my family loves you and you have your parents behind you they can help you too. You have El but France she doesn't have anything on her back thats why I choose to come with her. Then she died due to cancer, I did everything but her body isn't responding well."

"Kaya nga Ace eh, kaya nga. Iniwan mo na kami mas pinili mo siya may choice ka, at sa choice na yun may sasamahan ka at may iiwanan ka then you choose to leave us that is why you don't have any reason to get back what you have choosed to left behind. We become contented without you, just like what you have said there is a lot of people behind me to save me and I am so happy that I have them, I was able to conquer the pain you have brought. Now there is no reason for you to get us back, can't you see we are happy without you, so please don't ruin our happiness again." Gusto kong maintindihan niya ang lahat kaya dahan dahan ko iyong ipina-intindi sa kaniya.

"Mahal na pala kita noon pa, God knows how much I get worried when I thought you lost, I get jealous when you talk with my cousin Zhack. God knows how much I want to pull you away from El's hug and embrace you. There is a lot of time that  I notice that I miss you, when I was with France all I was thinking was your safety. I was thinking if you are ok, or have you eaten? I badly want to see you but I can't left France. She always told me to see you or meet you and left her but I pity her that is why I never left her." Instead of answering my words he go the other way around he is beating around the bush.

"Ace naman oh don't complicate things, tama na yung pinagagawa mo sakin noon. I don't want to hear your lies, don't involve El here even Zhack don't involve them with your stupid lies. I never knew before that aside from being a brutal husband manloloko ka rin pala. Now I can't believe you at all."

"Can you at least believe me for once, at least hear me out."

"I already hear you out, but I can't belive you."

Then he look at me, his eyes full of  tears sadness. Tsk I never knew that he is also a great actor.

Pinahid ko na lang ang luha ko at sinabi sa kaniya ang gusto kung sabihin sa kaniya noon pa man.

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