Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

~At a certain mall in United States of America~

Ryker's POV

"Finally you are here, I've waited here for fuckin 1 and a half hour Ryker." My little brother cuss.

"Oh sorry for that, I got a jetlag so I sleep for a while." I answered calmly.

"Without even boethering to text me? Seriously Ryker, I've stayed here for one and a half a hour like an idiot." He complain.

"I'm really sorry brother, I just relaxed my body for a while. I am not a super hero you know."

"Ok fine I'll forgive you this time, and in case you dont notice brother you just stay calm and never yelled back seems like she has a great effect on you huh?" He chuckled.

I just can't help but to smile at what he have said, cause he is right. For the first time I never yelled back at him.

"Smiling like an idiot, mukha kang tanga tol."

"Its a smile of a person in love Ace, and still fluent in tagalog huh?"

" Yeah di ako kagaya mo no halos kinalimutan mo na ang sarili mong wika." So langguage is now the issue.

I just smile and answered "You've just stayed here for five years bro, while I have stayed here almost half of my life."

"Nagstay ka rin naman sa Pinas ah."

"Yeah but I always use english as my langguage. Now lets go lets not talk about that langguage issues here I have to buy something for my sexytary and for my son."

Ace literaly drop his jaw. "What? May anak ka na? Abay puta tol congrats." Dirty mouthed as always. The only one I know that could tame him is Syrill , I wonder where is that girl now.

"Don't have one, my sexytary has."

"Really? The love of your life?" Big eyes, mouth wide open he really looks like a shit.


"How come mahal mo pa rin, Ryker di ba dapat ma turn off ka dahil may anak na. Ryker naman habulin ka ng babae wag kang mag stay dun sa may anak na." There he go again, lecturing me as if he is the one that is older.

"When you really love someone you must accept who she is, no matter what she is, and no matter what she've been through."

"Bilib na talaga ako sayo Ryker."

"By the way Ace where is Syrill?"

"Gone." For the first time he answered calmly.

"Oh I wonder where is your first and true love right now."

"I just thought he came after you Ryker, that is why I abhor you before."

"That never happen little bro."

~Kids section~

"Good morning sir, how may I help you." The sales lady greeted us.

"May I know where can I find a suite that will look good on a five year old boy?"

"Here sir." And she lead the way.

"This will surely look good on my son. Right Ace?" No answer so I decided to turn my head towards his direction only to find him drawning with his thoughts.

"Hey Ace you're spacing out." I said and wave my hands in front of him.

"Oh sorry I never mean it."

"What are you thinking, it seems so deep."

"Just wondering how my son looks like now, he is 5 now I guess."

"Oh so you are thinking of them. Just forget about them bro, you are the one who left them. Surely, the mother of that child hated you now. Well I dont see what she have been through but I'm sure you hurted her a lot, it was based on your story anyway."

"But I want to go back, I want her back."

"If I were her I wont ever come back to you again."

"You are being straight forward again bro."

"Cause I want you to open up for the reality."

After that we go to the counter and pay everything.

"Here give it to my sexytary, never try to open that or else I'll kill you. And by the way if she said she want a leave then let her, dont stress her too much I mean dont stress her. Dont you ever dare make her work in over time." I reminded him and then decided to go to the hotel I will be staying for a month.

This will gonna be a long month........

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