Chapter 3 + note

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      If death was coming for you..

       I'd give my life for you..


    His father laughed. "Awh. Thanks, John." He smiles and pecks the top of Johns head.

   His eyes glittered with hope, "Dad, can I, now, know about Mother?" He asks. His father just looks at him with his smile fading.

   "No.. it's too early for you to know." He says and sighs, placing the peice of paper on the table.

   "B-but Dad, I think I'm old enough to know." He says and looks up at his dad with the hope fading from his eyes.

   "John... you're still too young... naive.. immature. You'll know when you're older." He smiled that smile again, making John feel guilty for even asking.

   "O-okay.." was the last thing he said before the child walked away.

      John sat on the couch smiling like an idiot while his computer shouted at him. "John istg! uSe tHe gLaSs!!"

    "nEVER!" He laughed and kept on playing Angry Pigs. "There's no reason to not use more wood!"

   "Yes there is. TO GET TO THE NEXT LEVEL YOU BASTARD" She shouted, making John laugh more.

     "Shushhhhh- I'm trying to meet my goal" he stuck out his tongue at her and kept on using the wOoD.

   "jOhN, i wiLl tHroW a pLaTe aT yOu tHrOuGh tHis cOmpUtEr." She said again, a ding going through the computer meaning she passed another level.

   "eHm, nAh tHanKs." He says and kept on tRyInG tO wIn wiTh the wOoD.

    They spent about a more than 9 hours yelling at each other, playfully, and John trying to beat about only 4 levels with wood -_-...

   "Ha. See. Told you I can beat them with wood." He says proudly and victoriously.

   "Yeah.... like only 3 or 4 levels." She rolled her eyes. Through the computer, a click was heard and another voice came in.

  "Sera- are you calling that cripple again?" The familiar, other, voice groaned.

    "Mind yo business, Elaine. I didn't let you live with me for a while for a reason." She rolled her eyes and shooed Elaine out.

   "Okay I gotta go. Whenever Elaine comes it's either bad news... or food. Goodnight." She lastly said and shut her computer off, hearing John say "goonight" before she shut it off.


     John layer down on the couch, before he knew it, he was sleeping and woke up. It was about 11 p.m. Looking around, he doesn't find his dad. "Dad?" He asks around the empty dark room.

  Not getting answer he decided to check his phone, and at that exact moment, his father called him. John clicked the green, phone button and put it up to his ear.

   "Ello?" He says, waiting for an answer while switching the TV on. The other end didn't answer for a bit until-

                       S C R E A M

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